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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-05-13 13:50:55

에든버러 대학교/학위과정 및 전공

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대학 정보
학과 및 연구소 학위과정 및 전공 장학금 캠퍼스 및 부속시설 기숙사 한국과의 관계
도시 정보
도시 전반 교통
졸업생 / 기타
출신 인물
재직 인물
대학교 정기전 스코틀랜드 계몽주의 기포드 강연 돌리
관련 기관 및 제공 서비스
출판부 더 스튜던트 에든버러 왕립천문대
}}}}}}}}} ||

1. 개요2. 학부 학위과정 목록3. 대학원 학위과정 목록

1. 개요

영국 에든버러 대학교의 학과(또는 학부) 목록.

2. 학부 학위과정 목록

에든버러 대학교는 스코틀랜드 학제를 기반으로 하기 때문에 잉글랜드의 대학과는 다른 교육 체계를 가지고 있다. 기본적으로 4년을 다니면 학사(BA, BSc)를 따고 졸업하지만, 일부 전공은 학사를 취득하는 데에 5년이 소요되는 경우도 있다.

독특한 점은 대부분의 인문사회과학 전공 학위가 MA[1]라는 것이다. 이는 스코틀랜드 학제만의 독특한 특징으로서 흔히 잉글랜드를 포함한 다른 국가에서의 MA는 석사를 의미하지만, 스코틀랜드에서의 MA는 대체적으로 학사를 의미한다. 반면 타 국가의 MA에 준하는 석사 학위는 스코틀랜드 대학원에선 MSc, MLitt, MFA 등으로 표기한다.

한편 수학 관련 전공, 자연과학 계열 중 일부 전공, 그리고 공학 계열 전공은 한국의 학석사 연계과정처럼 기본적인 성적 조건을 충족시켰을 경우 1년 더 다닌 후 석사 학위까지 따고 졸업할 수 있다.
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
(학사, 석사)
Accounting and Business MA
Accounting and Finance MA
Acoustics and Music Technology BSc
Anatomy and Development BSc
Ancient and Medieval History MA
Ancient History MA
Ancient History and Greek MA
Ancient History and Latin MA
Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations MA
Animation BA
Applied Mathematics BSc, MMath
Applied Sport Science BSc
Arabic and Ancient Greek MA
Arabic and Business MA
Arabic and French MA
Arabic and History MA
Arabic and Persian MA
Arabic and Politics MA
Arabic and Social Anthropology MA
Arabic and Spanish MA
Arabic with Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies MA
Archaeology MA
Archaeology and Ancient History MA
Archaeology and Social Anthropology MA
Architectural History and Archaeology MA
Architectural History and Heritage MA
Architecture BA, MA[2]
Artificial Intelligence BSc
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc
Astrophysics BSc, MPhys
Biochemistry BSc
Biological Sciences BSc
Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) BSc
Biological Sciences (Biotechnology) BSc
Biological Sciences (Cell Biology) BSc
Biological Sciences (Development, Regeneration and Stem Cells) BSc
Biological Sciences (Ecology) BSc
Biological Sciences (Evolutional Biology) BSc
Biological Sciences (Genetics) BSc
Biological Sciences (Immunology) BSc
Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) BSc
Biological Sciences (Molecular Genetics) BSc
Biological Sciences (Plant Science) BSc
Biological Sciences (Zoology) BSc
Biological Sciences with Management BSc
Biomedical Informatics BSc
Biomedical Sciences BSc
Business and Economics MA
Business and Law MA
Business Management MA
Business with Decision Analytics MA
Business with Enterprise and Innovation MA
Business with Human Resource Management MA
Business with Marketing MA
Business with Strategic Economics MA
Celtic MA
Celtic and Archaeology MA
Celtic and English Language MA
Celtic and English Literature MA
Celtic and French MA
Celtic and Linguistics MA
Celtic and Scandinavian Studies MA
Celtic and Scottish History MA
Celtic and Scottish Literature MA
Chemical Engineering BEng, MEng
Chemical Physics BSc, MChemPhys
Chemistry BSc, MChem
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem
Childhood Practice BA
Chinese MA
Chinese and French MA
Chinese and German MA
Chinese and History MA
Chinese and Linguistics MA
Chinese and Russian Studies MA
Chinese and Spanish MA
Civil Engineering BEng, MEng
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History MA
Classical Archaeology and Greek MA
Classical Archaeology and Latin MA
Classical Studies MA
Classics MA
Classics and English Language MA
Classics and Linguistics MA
Cognitive Science BSc
Cognitive Science (Humanities) MA
Computational Physics BSc, MPhys
Computer Science BSc, BEng
Computer Science and Management Science BSc
Computer Science and Mathematics BSc
Computer Science and Physics BSc
Divinity BD, MDiv
Divinity and Classics MA
Earth Science and Physical Geography BSc, MEarthSci
Earth Sciences BSc, MEarthSci
Ecological and Environmental Sciences BSc
Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management BSc
Economics MA
Economics and Accounting MA
Economics and Mathematics MA
Economics and Politics MA
Economics and Statistics MA
Economics with Finance MA
Economics with Management Science MA
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering BEng, MEng
Electronics and Computer Science BEng, MEng
Electronics and Electrical Engineering BEng, MEng
Engineering BEng, MEng
English and Scottish Literature MA
English Language MA
English Language and Literature MA
English Literature MA
English Literature and Classics MA
English Literature and History MA
Environmental Geoscience BSc
Fashion BA
Film and Television BA
Finance and Business MA
Fine Art BA, MA
French MA
French and Business MA
French and Classics MA
French and English Language MA
French and English Literature MA
French and German MA
French and History MA
French and History of Art MA
French and Italian MA
French and Linguistics MA
French and Philosophy MA
French and Politics MA
French and Portuguese MA
French and Russian Studies MA
French and Scandinavian Studies MA
French and Social Policy MA
French and Spanish MA
Geography BSc, MA
Geophysics BSc, MEarthPhys
Geophysics and Geology BSc, MEarthPhys
Geophysics and Meteorology BSc, MEarthPhys
German MA
German and Business MA
German and Classics MA
German and English Language MA
German and English Literature MA
German and History MA
German and History of Art MA
German and Linguistics MA
German and Philosophy MA
German and Politics MA
German and Portuguese MA
German and Russian Studies MA
German and Scandinavian Studies MA
German and Social Policy MA
German and Spanish MA
Global Law LLB
Government, Policy and Society MA
Government, Policy and Society with Quantitative Methods MA
Graphic Design BA
Greek Studies MA
Health in Social Science MA
History MA
History and Archaeology MA
History and Classics MA
History and Economics MA
History and History of Art MA
History and Politics MA
History and Scottish History MA
History of Art MA
History of Art and Architectural History MA
History of Art and Chinese Studies MA
History of Art and English Literature MA
History of Art and History of Music MA
History of Art and Scottish Literature MA
Illustration BA
Infectious Diseases BSc
Informatics MInf
Integrative Biomedical Sciences BSc
Interdisciplinary Futures MA
Interior Design BA
International Business MA
International Business with Chinese MA
International Business with French MA
International Business with German MA
International Business with Italian MA
International Business with Japanese MA
International Business with Spanish MA
International Relations MA
International Relations with Quantitative Methods MA
Islamic Studies MA
Italian MA
Italian and Classics MA
Italian and English Language MA
Italian and English Literature MA
Italian and History MA
Italian and History of Art MA
Italian and Linguistics MA
Italian and Philosophy MA
Italian and Politics MA
Italian and Spanish MA
Japanese MA
Japanese and Linguistics MA
Jewellery and Silversmithing BA
Landscape Architecture MA
Latin Studies MA
Law (Graduate Entry) LLB
Law (Ordinary and Honours) LLB
Law and Accountancy LLB
Law and Business LLB
Law and Celtic LLB
Law and French LLB
Law and German LLB
Law and History LLB
Law and International Relations LLB
Law and Politics LLB
Law and Social Anthropology LLB
Law and Social Policy LLB
Law and Sociology LLB
Law and Spanish LLB
Learning in Communities MA
Linguistics MA
Linguistics and English Language MA
Linguistics and Social Anthropology MA
Mathematical Physics BSc, MPhys
Mathematics BSc, MA, MMath
Mathematics and Business BSc
Mathematics and Music BSc
Mathematics and Physics BSc
Mathematics and Statistics BSc
Mechanical Engineering BEng, MEng
Medical Sciences BSc
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry BSc, MChem
Medicine MBChB
Middle Eastern Studies MA
Music BMus
Neuroscience BSc
Nursing Studies BN
Oral Health Sciences BSc
Performance Costume BA
Persian and English Literature MA
Persian and Middle Eastern Studies MA
Persian and Social Anthropology MA
Persian Studies MA
Pharmacology BSc
Philosophy MA
Philosophy and Economics MA
Philosophy and English Language MA
Philosophy and English Literature MA
Philosophy and Greek MA
Philosophy and Linguistics MA
Philosophy and Mathematics MA
Philosophy and Politics MA
Philosophy and Psychology MA
Philosophy and Scottish Literature MA
Philosophy and Theology MA
Physical Education MA
Physics BSc, MPhys
Physics with Meteorology BSc, MPhys
Physiology BSc
Politics MA
Politics with Quantitative Methods MA
Politics, Philosophy and Economics MA
Portuguese MA
Portuguese and English Language MA
Portuguese and English Literature MA
Portuguese and Linguistics MA
Portuguese and Philosophy MA
Portuguese and Scottish Literature MA
Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent Speakers) MA
Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners) MA
Product Design BA
Psychology BSc
Psychology and Business MA
Psychology and Economics MA
Psychology and Linguistics MA
Religious Studies MA
Religious Studies and English Literature MA
Religious Studies and Scottish Literature MA
Reproductive Biology BSc
Russian Studies MA
Russian Studies and Classics MA
Russian Studies and English Language MA
Russian Studies and English Literature MA
Russian Studies and History MA
Russian Studies and History of Art MA
Russian Studies and Linguistics MA
Russian Studies and Philosophy MA
Russian Studies and Politics MA
Russian Studies and Scandinavian Studies MA
Russian Studies and Social Policy MA
Russian Studies and Spanish MA
Scandinavian Studies (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) MA
Scandinavian Studies and Classics MA
Scandinavian Studies and English Language MA
Scandinavian Studies and English Literature MA
Scandinavian Studies and History MA
Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics MA
Scandinavian Studies and Philosophy MA
Scandinavian Studies and Politics MA
Scandinavian Studies and Social Policy MA
Scandinavian Studies and Spanish MA
Scottish Ethnology MA
Scottish Ethnology and Archaeology MA
Scottish Ethnology and Celtic MA
Scottish Ethnology and English Language MA
Scottish Ethnology and English Literature MA
Scottish Ethnology and Scandinavian Studies MA
Scottish Ethnology and Scottish History MA
Scottish Literature MA
Scottish Literature and Classics MA
Scottish Literature and History MA
Scottish Literature and Scottish History MA
Scottish Studies MA
Social Anthropology MA
Social Anthropology and Politics MA
Social Anthropology and Social Policy MA
Social Anthropology with Development MA
Social Policy and Economics MA
Social Policy and Law MA
Social Policy and Politics MA
Social Policy and Sociology MA
Social Policy with Quantitative Methods MA
Social Work BSc
Sociology MA
Sociology and Politics MA
Sociology and Psychology MA
Sociology and Social Anthropology MA
Sociology with Quantitative Methods MA
Software Engineering BEng
Spanish MA
Spanish and Business MA
Spanish and Classics MA
Spanish and English Literature MA
Spanish and History MA
Spanish and History of Art MA
Spanish and Linguistics MA
Spanish and Philosophy MA
Spanish and Politics MA
Spanish and Portuguese MA
Sport Management BSc
Structural and Fire Safety Engineering BEng, MEng
Structural Engineering with Architecture BEng, MEng
Sustainable Development MA
Textiles BA
Theology MA
Theoretical Physics BSc, MPhys
Veterinary Medicine BVM&S

3. 대학원 학위과정 목록

수업 석사 과정, 연구 석사 과정, 박사 과정, 그리고 전문 디플로마 과정이 있다. 기본적으로 1년 만에 석사 학위를 따고 졸업할 수 있다. 일부 전공은 석사를 취득하는 데에 2년 혹은 그 이상이 소요되는 경우도 있다.

일부 전공 중에는 파트타임(Part time)도 가능한데, 이는 주로 일을 하면서 학업을 병행할 수 있는 시스템이다. 그러나 Tier-4(학생 비자)를 신청하는 학생으로서는 파트타임 전공 입학이 불가능하고, 영국 국적을 보유한 사람이나 영국 영주권이 있는 외국인 입학할 수 있다. 단, Tier-4 비자를 포함한 영국 체류 비자를 취득한 사람과 혼인을 해 가족으로서 비자를 취득하여 영국에서 체류하는 경우, 파트타임 입학을 허락하는 영국 대학들도 일부 있다. 이는 각 학위과정마다 학교 측에 문의하는 것이 필요하다.
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
(석사, 디플로마, 박사)
Accounting PhD
Accounting and Finance MSc
Acoustics and Music Technology MSc
Advanced Care PhD with Integrated Study
Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc
Advanced Clinical Practice (Online Learning) MVetSci, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Advanced Nursing MSc
Advanced Nursing (Online Learning) MSc
Advanced Power Engineering MSc
Advanced Social Work Studies (Mental Health Officer Award) PgCert
Advanced Sustainable Design MSc
Advanced Technology for Financial Computing MSc
Africa and International Development MSc
African Studies PhD
Agriculture and Food Security PhD
Algebra PhD
American History MSc
Analysis PhD
Analytical Chemistry MSc
Anatomical Sciences (Biomedical Sciences) PhD
Anatomical Sciences (Online Learning) PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Ancient History MSc
Ancient Worlds (Archaeology and Classics) (Online Learning) MSc
Animal Breeding and Genetics MSc, PgDip
Applied and Computational Mathematics PhD
Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare MSc
Applied Conservation Genetics with Wildlife Forensics (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Applied Environmental Hydrogeology MSc
Applied Linguistics MSc, Diploma, Certificate
Applied Medical Image Analysis (Online Learning) PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Applied Poultry Science (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Applied Psychology (Healthcare) For Children and Young People MSc
Archaeology MSc, PhD, MScR
Architectural and Urban Design MSc
Architectural Conservation MSc
Architectural History PhD, MPhil
Architecture, Landscape and Environment MSc
Architecture MArch[3], PhD, MPhil, MScR
Architecture by Design PhD
Art PhD, MPhil
Artificial Intelligence MSc
Astrobiology and Planetary Sciences MSc
Astrophysics PhD
Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences PhD
Banking Innovation and Risk Analytics MSc
Biblical Studies MTh, MSc
Biochemistry MSc, PgDip
Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants MSc, PgDip
Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Bioengineering MScR
Bioinformatics MSc, PgDip
Biological Sciences PhD
Biological Sciences (with Internship) PhD
Biomedical Sciences PhD
Biomedical Sciences (Life Sciences) MScR
Biotechnology MSc, PgDip
Business Administration MBA
Business Administration (Online Learning) MBA
Business Analytics MSc
Business Economics PhD
Cancer (Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre) PhD, MScR
Cancer Biology and Precision Oncology (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Carbon Management MSc
Carbon Management (Online Learning) MSc
Cardiovascular Biology MScR
Cardiovascular Science PhD, MScR
Celtic Studies MScR
Celtic Studies and Scottish Studies PhD
Chemistry PhD, MScR
Child Life and Health PhD
Chinese MScR, PhD
Circular Economy MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Circular Economy (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Classical Art and Archaeology MSc
Classics MSc, PhD, MScR
Climate Change Finance and Investment MSc
Clinical Anatomy MSc
Clinical and Health Psychology PhD, MScR
Clinical Animal Behaviour (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Clinical Brain Sciences PhD
Clinical Education PhD
Clinical Education (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Clinical Management of Pain (Online Learning) MSc, PgProfDev
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Clinical Ophthalmology (Online Learning) ChM
Clinical Psychology DClinPsychol
Clinical Trials (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Clinical Veterinary Sciences PhD, MScR
Cognitive Science MSc
Collections and Curating Practices MScR
Commercial Law LLM
Comparative and European Private Law LLM
Comparative Education and International Development (CEID) MSc
Comparative Literature MSc, PhD
Comparative Public Policy MSc
Composition MMus
Computational Applied Mathematics MSc
Computational Mathematical Finance MSc
Computer Science MSc
Condensed Matter PhD
Conservation Medicine (Online Learning) MVetSci, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Contemporary Art Practice MA (eca)
Contemporary Art Theory MA (eca)
Contemporary History MSc
Corporate Law LLM
Counselling MCouns, PgCert, PgDip
Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue) MCouns
Counselling Studies MSc, PhD, MScR
Creative Industries MSc
Creative Music Practice PhD
Creative Writing MSc, PhD
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc
Critical Care (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Cultural Studies PhD
Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust MSc, PgDip, PhD
Dance Science and Education MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgDip
Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Data and Decision Analytics (Online Learning) MSc
Data Science MSc
Data Science for Biology MSc
Data Science for Health and Social Care (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Data Science, Technology and Innovation (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Data, Inequality and Society MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Data, Inequality and Society (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Dentistry PhD
Design PhD, MPhil
Design and Digital Media MSc
Design for Change MA
Design Informatics MSc, MFA, MA
Developmental Linguistics MSc, Diploma, Certificate
Developmental Science MSc, Diploma, Certificate
Digital Communications MScR
Digital Design and Manufacture MSc
Digital Education (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL)
Digital Media Design (Online Learning) MSc
Digital Sociology MSc
Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS
Doctor of Medicine MD
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVetMed
Drug Discovery and Translational Biology MSc, PgDip
Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management MSc
East Asian Relations MSc
East Asian Studies PhD
Ecological Economics MSc
Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity MSc
Economic and Social History MScR, PhD
Economics / Economics (Econometrics) / Economics (Finance) MSc
Economics PhD with Integrated Study
Education PgCert, MScR, PhD
Education Futures MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Education Futures (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Electrical Power Engineering MSc
Electronics MSc
Endodontology DClinDent
Energy, Society and Sustainability MSc
Energy Systems MScR
Engineering PhD, MPhil
English Language MSc, Certificate, Diploma, MScR
English Literature MScR, PhD
English Literature: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present MSc
English Literature: Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic and Victorian MSc
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc
Environment and Development MSc
Environment, Culture and Society MSc
Environmental Protection and Management MSc
Environmental Sustainability MSc
EPCC: High Performance Computing, Computational & Data Science, Software Engineering PhD
Epidemiology (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Epistemology, Ethics and Mind (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip, PgCert
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Robotics and Autonomous Systems PhD
Equine Science (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Ethics and Practical Theology PhD, MPhil
European Archaeology MSc
European Law LLM
European Masters in Landscape Architecture European Masters
European Theatre PhD
Evolution of Language and Cognition MSc, Diploma, Certificate
Evolutionary Genetics MSc, PgDip
Executive Master of Business Administration MBA
Family Medicine (Online Learning) MFM
Film Directing MA
Film Studies MSc, PhD
Film, Exhibition and Curation MSc
Finance MSc, PhD
Finance, Technology and Policy MSc
Financial Modelling and Optimization MSc
Financial Technology PhD
Fire Engineering Science MSc
Food Safety (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Food Security MSc
French MScR, PhD
Functional Genetics and Development PhD, MScR
Future Governance MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Future Governance (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
General Surgery (Online Learning) ChM
Genetics and Genomics PhD, MScR
Genetics and Molecular Medicine (MRC Human Genetics Unit) PhD, MScR
Genomics and Experimental Medicine PhD, MScR
GeoEnergy MSc
Geographical Information Science MSc
Geology and Geophysics PhD
Geometry and Topology PhD
GeoSciences (Individual Project - Taught Pathway) MScR
GeoSciences (Individual Project) MScR
Geriatric Medicine PhD
German MScR, PhD
Global Challenges (Online Learning) MSc
Global Crime, Justice and Security MSc
Global Development Challenges (Online Learning) PgCert (ICL), PgCert
Global Environment and Climate Change Law LLM
Global Environment Challenges (Online Learning) PgCert
Global Environment, Politics and Society MSc
Global Food Security and Nutrition (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Global Health PhD, MScR
Global Health and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Global Health Challenges (Online Learning) PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgProfDev
Global Health Policy MSc, PhD
Global Health Studies (Online Learning) PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Global Mental Health and Society MSc
Global Premodern Art: History, Heritage and Curation MSc
Global Strategy & Sustainability MSc
Globalised Muslim World MSc
Graphic Design MA
Health Humanities and Arts MScR
Health in Social Science PhD
Hebrew and Old Testament Studies PhD, MPhil
High Performance Computing MSc, PgDip
High Performance Computing (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
High Performance Computing with Data Science MSc
High Performance Computing with Data Science (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
History MSc, MScR, PhD
History (Online Learning) MSc
History of Art MScR, PhD, MPhil
History of Art, Theory and Display MSc
History of Christianity PhD, MPhil
Human Anatomy MSc
Human Cognitive Neuropsychology MSc, Diploma, Certificate
Human Complex Trait Genetics MSc, PgDip
Human Geography MScR
Human Geography and Environmental Sciences PhD
Human Osteoarchaeology MSc
Human Resource Management MSc
Human Rights LLM
Illustration MA
Imaging (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Inclusive Education MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgDip
Infection and Immunity PhD, MScR
Infection Medicine PhD
Infectious Diseases MScR
Inflammation PhD, MScR
Informatics: AIAI: Foundations and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, Agents, Data Intensive Research PhD, MPhil, MScR
Informatics: ANC: Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Computational Biology PhD, MPhil, MScR
Informatics: ICSA: Computer Architecture, Compilation and System Software, Networks and Communication PhD, MPhil, MScR
Informatics: ILCC: Language Processing, Speech Technology, Information Retrieval, Cognition PhD, MPhil, MScR
Informatics: IPAB: Robotics, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Animation PhD, MPhil, MScR
Informatics: LFCS: Theory and Foundations of Computer Science, Databases, Software and Systems Modelling PhD, MPhil, MScR
Information Technology Law (Online Learning) LLM
Infrastructure and the Environment MScR
Innovation, Technology and the Law LLM
Innovation, Technology and the Law (Online Learning) LLM
Integrated Micro and Nano Systems (IMNS) MScR
Integrative Biomedical Sciences PhD, MScR
Integrative Physiology (Biomedical Sciences - Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) PhD, MScR
Intellectual History MSc
Intellectual Property Law LLM
Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design MA (eca)
Intermediality PhD
Intermediality: Literature, Film and the Arts in Dialogue MSc
International Development PhD
Internal Medicine (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
International and European Politics MSc
International Animal Health (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
International Banking Law and Finance LLM
International Commercial Law and Practice (Online Learning) LLM
International Development MSc
International Development (Online Learning) MSc
International Economic Law LLM
International Human Resource Management MSc
International Law LLM
International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering MSc
International Relations MSc
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations MSc
Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies MSc, MScR, PhD
Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations PhD, MPhil
Italian MScR, PhD
Japanese MScR, PhD
Korean Studies MSc, MScR, PhD
Landscape and Wellbeing MSc
Landscape Architecture MLA, PhD, MPhil
Language and Intercultural Communication PgCert
Language Education MSc, PgDip
Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies MSc
Law LLM, LLM by Research, PhD
Law (Online Learning) LLM, PgCert
Leadership and Learning MEd
Leading Major Programmes MSc, PgDip, PgCert
Linguistics MSc, MScR
Linguistics and English Language PhD
Management MSc, PhD, MScR
Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance MSc
Management Science and Analytics PhD
Marine Systems and Policies MSc
Marketing MSc
Materials and Processes MScR
Materials Chemistry MSc
Mathematical Economics and Econometrics MSc
Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation PhD
Mathematical Physics MSc, PhD
Mathematics Education PhD
Medical Anthropology MSc
Medical Informatics PhD
Medical Law and Ethics LLM
Medical Law and Ethics (Online Learning) LLM
Medical Sciences MMedSci by Research
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry MSc
Medieval History MSc
Medieval Studies MScR, PhD
Mediterranean Archaeology MSc
Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches MSc
Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches (Online Learning) MSc
Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition MSc
Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating and Criticism MSc
Music PhD, MScR
Musical Composition PhD
Musicology MMus
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Nationalism in Global Perspective MSc
Neuroimaging for Research (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Neurological Rehabilitation and Care (Online Learning) PgCert (ICL)
Neuroscience (Biomedical Sciences - Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) PhD, MScR
Neuroscience (Integrative Neuroscience) MScR
New Testament and Christian Origins PhD, MPhil
Nuclear Physics PhD
Nursing Studies PhD, MPhil, MScR
Nursing with Pre-Registration (Adult) MN(T)
Offshore Renewable Energy (Industrial Doctorate Centre) EngD
One Health (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Operational Research MSc
Operational Research with Computational Optimization MSc
Operational Research with Data Science MSc
Operational Research with Risk MSc
Optimization and Operational Research PhD
Orthodontics DClinDent, MClinDent
Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine PhD, MScR
Outdoor Education MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgDip
Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgDip
Paediatric Dentistry DClinDent, MClinDent
Paediatric Emergency Medicine (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Palaeontology and Geobiology MScR
Particle and Nuclear Physics MSc
Particle Physics PhD
Pathology PhD
Patient Safety and Clinical Human Factors (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Performance Coaching and Development (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip, PgCert
Performance Psychology MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgDip
PET-MR Principles and Applications (Online Learning) PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Philosophy MSc, PhD, MScR
Philosophy, Science and Religion (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip, PgCert
Phonetics MSc, Diploma, Certificate
Physical Activity for Health MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgCert, PgDip
Planetary Health MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Planetary Health (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Playwriting MSc
Politics PhD
Population Health Sciences PhD, MScR
Precision Medicine PhD
Primary Care Ophthalmology (Online Learning) MSc
Probability and Stochastic Analysis PhD
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary) PGDE
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) PGDE
Professional Legal Practice Diploma
Prosthodontics DClinDent, MClinDent
Psychiatry PhD, MScR
Psychological Research MSc
Psychological Therapies MSc
Psychology PhD
Psychology of Individual Differences MSc
Psychology of Language MSc
Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion) MSc
Psychotherapy and Counselling DPsychotherapy
Public Health (part-time) (Online Learning) MPH, PgCert, PgDip
Public Health MPH
Public Policy MSc
Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis MSc, PgDip
RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Online Learning) PgProfDev
Regenerative Medicine PhD
Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Repair MScR
Religion and Literature MTh, MSc
Religious Studies MSc, PhD, MPhil
Reproductive Health PhD
Reproductive Sciences MScR
Respiratory Medicine PhD
Restorative Dentistry (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip, PgProfDev
Russian MScR, PhD
Scandinavian Studies MScR, PhD
Science and Religion MSc, PhD, MPhil
Science and Technology in Society MSc
Science and Technology Studies PhD, MScR
Science Communication and Public Engagement MSc
Science Communication and Public Engagement (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Scottish Ethnology MScR
Scottish History MSc, PhD, MScR
Sensor and Imaging Systems MSc
Service Management and Design MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Service Management and Design (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert
Signal Processing and Communications MSc
Simulation Based Clinical Education PgCert, PgProfDev
Social and Political Science MScR, PhD
Social Anthropology MSc, PhD
Social Justice and Community Action (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL)
Social Policy PhD
Social Psychology MSc
Social Research MSc, PgCert (ICL)
Social Work MSW, PhD
Socio-cultural Studies PhD
Sociology PhD
Sociology and Global Change MSc
Soils and Sustainability MSc
Sound Design MSc, MScR
South Asian Studies PhD
Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies (Hispanic Studies) MScR, PhD
Speech and Language Processing MSc
Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences PhD, MScR
Sport Policy, Management and International Development MSc
Statistics PhD
Statistics and Operational Research MSc
Statistics with Data Science MSc
Stem Cells and Translational Neurology (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Strength and Conditioning MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgDip
Surgery PhD, MScR
Surgical Sciences (Online Learning) MSc
Surgical Writing and Evidence Based Practice (Online Learning) PgCert, PgProfDev
Sustainable Energy Systems MSc
Sustainable Lands and Cities MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Sustainable Lands and Cities (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology MSc, PgDip
Systematic Theology PhD, MPhil
Systems and Synthetic Biology MSc, PgDip
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc, PgDip, PgCert
The Middle East in Global Politics MSc
Theology and Religious Studies MTh by Research, MScR
Theology in History MTh, MSc
Theoretical Physics MSc
Transformative Learning and Teaching MSc
Translation Studies MSc, PhD
Translational Neuroscience PhD
Trauma and Orthopaedics (Online Learning) ChM
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence MScR
UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language Processing PhD with Integrated Study
Urban Strategies and Design MSc
Urology (Online Learning) ChM
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (Online Learning) ChM
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (Online Learning) MSc, PgDip (ICL), PgCert (ICL), PgProfDev
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures PhD with Integrated Study, EngD
World Christianity MTh, MSc, PhD, MPhil

[1] Master of Arts의 약칭. [2] ARB/RIBA Part 1에 해당. [3] ARB/RIBA Part 2에 해당.