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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-05-01 23:11:03


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{{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
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<colcolor=#F28A30><colbgcolor=#9EA09D> 발매일 1991년 11월 25일
아티스트 Various Artists
장르 유로비트
곡 수 <rowcolor=#FFFFFF>12곡
1. 개요2. 트랙 리스트
2.1. Dance Girl2.2. Bad Love (Frontline-Maharaja Mix)2.3. Tokyo Night2.4. Hot Confession (Dance Mix)2.5. Sometimes2.6. Dance Around The Totem (Totem Mix)2.7. Up And Down2.8. Never Let You Say Goodbye2.9. Holy Night2.10. It's Right (Maxi Version)2.11. Don't Go2.12. Open Your Heart (Energy Mix)
3. 여담


1. 개요

유로비트 컴필레이션 시리즈인 SUPER EUROBEAT의 열일곱 번째 앨범으로, 1991년 11월 25일 발매되었다.

2. 트랙 리스트

<rowcolor=#F28A30> 트랙 가수 곡명 작사, 작곡 프로듀서 보컬 레이블
01 Robert Stone Dance Girl
(Extended Version)
Diaferia- Rizzolo
Rodgers & Contini Giancarlo Pasquini Rodgers &
Contini Records
02 Annalise Bad Love
(Frontline-Maharaja Mix)
S.Oliva- G.Caria Annerley Gordon
03 K.Jones Tokyo Night
(Extended Mix)
G.Pasquini-Contini Dave Rodgers Gianni Coraini
04 Domino Hot Confession
(Dance Mix)
G.Pasquini-M.Gulinelli Domino,
Rodgers & Contini
Mirka Gatti
05 Norma
(Extended Version)
G.Pasquini-A.Contini Rodgers & Contini Chiara De Pieri
06 Red Skins Dance Around The Totem
(Totem Mix)
C.E.M. & R.
Giancarlo Pasquini C.E.M. & R.
07 Virginelle Up And Down
(Extended Version)
Leonardi-Contini B.Sinclaire &
Elena Gobbi
Rodgers &
Contini Records
08 Valentina Never Let You
Say Goodbye
(Extended Version)
G.Pasquini-M.Gulinelli Rodgers & Contini Elena Ferretti
09 Michelle Holy Night
(Extended Version)
Avex Trax 불명 Avex Trax
10 Debby Jason It's Right (Maxi Version) Michiel van der Kuy Melinda Kerkhoven
(확실하지 않음)
Made Up
11 Silver Don't Go (Extended Mix) L.Gelmetti-S.Dall'Ora Giacomo Maiolini Alberto Benati TIME
12 Morena Open Your Heart
(Energy Mix)

2.1. Dance Girl

2.2. Bad Love (Frontline-Maharaja Mix)

원곡 SUPER EUROBEAT Vol. 16에 수록되어 있다.

2.3. Tokyo Night

2.4. Hot Confession (Dance Mix)

2.5. Sometimes

2.6. Dance Around The Totem (Totem Mix)

2.7. Up And Down

2.8. Never Let You Say Goodbye

2.9. Holy Night

2.10. It's Right (Maxi Version)

2.11. Don't Go

2.12. Open Your Heart (Energy Mix)

3. 여담