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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-08-09 02:02:08

Phigros/스토리/Chapter 3

수록곡 | 등장인물 | 스토리 | 난이도 상수 | 난이도 표기 문제 | 업데이트 현황

이 문서에 스포일러가 포함되어 있습니다.

이 문서가 설명하는 작품이나 인물 등에 대한 줄거리, 결말, 반전 요소 등을 직·간접적으로 포함하고 있습니다.

1. Stave No.12 – Warrior2. Stave No.13 – Poem of Night3. Stave No.14 – On the Olive Tree4. Stave No.15 – Magician5. Stave No.16 – The wanderer6. Warrior – One – Horse7. Warrior – Two – Dashing8. Warrior – Three – Comedy9. Warrior – Four – Glaciaxia10. Warrior – Five - Launching11. Warrior – Six – Human

1. Stave No.12 – Warrior

Date 770/04/07
Supervisior deathmark
Category main
"Man is something that should be overcome
Rebel – this is the nobility of slaves."

Seventy-two years
The beginning of everything, the leader of fear
The marble infused in pain
Engraved with countless starved bodies
The veins carved in stones
Beat at this moment

Another sixty years
The kindling sparks, the order after catastrophe
The pollutants stream in snowy ice
Blind the eyes of history
The foggy future
Migrants of a foreign land

A tune rises
Unrelated to power or justice
The curtain pulls
Unrelated to betrayals or righteous
Spring wind breezes
Unrelated to realities or doctrines

Once again glaciaxia rises
What is the purpose

2. Stave No.13 – Poem of Night

Date 770/04/07
Supervisior deathmark
Category main
"I am destined to be light!"
I call out in the storm;

The story begins,
Uninterruptable by a full stop,
The eight-legged stallion,
The ten Suns in the sky,
Are nothing but footnotes,
The freezing night has passed,
All rises back to life,
Just as how it was expected to be;

"Why is the night now with me!"
I cry out on the sugarcane field;

The sun is above,
The crows never stop,
The hot dry air,
The bare foot burns on the ground;

I lick the bitter tear by my lips,
I wipe the sand grains by my eyes,
On the straw pile,
People pray for the night,
Along with its arrival.

3. Stave No.14 – On the Olive Tree

Date 770/04/07
Supervisior deathmark
Category main
Run, jump, wander, on the olive mountain.
Sea breezes through the horn, the giant beast shrieks,
On the olive mountain, broken gravels, rotten cloths, wilted calami.
Purple, black, shiny pebbles,
Translucent as ice, greasy as butter.
Crystals, frosts, microscopic, fungus,
Water penetrates deep into the stems and roots.
Fluid, atomic, ionised, visible on collision,
Re-enter, re-deepen, re-merge,
Gaze into the indivisible media,
Is that,
The essence of reality,
Or pixelated serration.

4. Stave No.15 – Magician

Date deathmark
Supervisior 770/04/07
Category main
Don't you know?
I am looking for Zarathustra.

5. Stave No.16 – The wanderer

Date 770/04/07
Supervisior deathmark
Category key


6. Warrior – One – Horse

Date 53/04/07
Supervisior Gino
Category main

"Hold the reins, get familiar with the horse's breathing, and imagine where you want to go."
On a day in winter, she's teaching "me" the method to control the ghast horse. "I" closed my eyes, imagined the drifting snow, and floating phantom in the distance, then opened my eyes.
"I can't do it."
"What did you see?"
"I" closed my eyes once more. The snow had stopped. The sun set like a horde of migratory wild geese heading towards north, cirrocumulus clouds scattered around it. He stood in the air, streams of clouds flew by his side. The giant tower hung upside down in the sky. Its flesh was made of whims and bones of steel. "I" looked at the tower, and the residents of the tower looked at him, stopped cultivating. A cold light of reflection flashed from the blade of their rusty scythes.
"I, saw nothing."

7. Warrior – Two – Dashing

Date 57/04/08
Supervisior Gino
Category main

The iron horseshoes of the ghast horse splashed out snowy mists as we sped along the mountain ridgeline. Scout ghosts chased closely behind us, with their misty bodies hovering over the ground. Ahead of us was a bottomless cliff, which would surely be our doom if fell into. But all "my" attention were on her long hair, which flew out of the gaps of her helmet, and with marvellous ice crystals weaving over them.
"Use the Melt! We jump over the cliff!"
"My" mind is filled with the back of her, while the wild wind suddenly paused and rose up again, before we were standing on the tip of the mountain behind the cliff.
She took off her helmet, gazing towards the giant tower faraway. Even the tower base under construction was already high up into the clouds. She sighed.
"They have abandoned their homeland, and they will again abandon the world in the tower in the future."
Upon finishing the last syllable, she disappeared from where she was. "

8. Warrior – Three – Comedy

Date 59/04/09
Supervisior Gino
Category main

"I", the man in the court, sat in the middle of the dome theatre, with both hands cuffed behind the chair, like a naked beast, trapped for display. This is the first theatre trial since the launch of the Tower project. Thousands of people – men and women, old and young, filled up the tiny theatre, like people who casually watch beheadings on their way for groceries in the old days.
The solemn trails had been tarnished in this time. The fate of suspects had all been fixed, and the trails are more of recreations to please the public, who are increasingly deprived of entertainment. Before the trail starts, the judge always plays Sunrise by Strauss just pretending to be arty, since it was the first disc they dug up from the trash piles. After the song, the judge would start to read out all the crimes of the person in court, and the jury would outrageously demand for death penalty, and not letting any person with such great sins to see the sunrise of tomorrow.
Each of them wearing an angry red mask of justice. The men in court mobilised their facial muscles, and smiled with their greatest respect.
The men in court had no right to answer. It is the newly born tradition of the era that the jailer cut the tongue of prisoners on death row. The criminals on court had no chance to speak, so keeping their tongues were simply a waste, might as well provide a better meal for the ghast horses. This jailer was very thoughtful, and used some glue to help "me" stopped the bleeding. Still remembered drinking the sticky liquid. A stream of warmth rushed up my heart and, I, did not feel heart anywhere anymore.
While the judge announced the lengthy trial results, only one person left early. The back of that person looked extremely similar to hers, no, that was her! The men in the court got up trying to catch the captain’s shadow, but unknowingly tripped "me" to the ground, unaware of the chains on the feet.
The jury burst into laughter. At this moment who else would know, that “I” used to be a warriror.

9. Warrior – Four – Glaciaxia

Date 60/04/10
Supervisior Gino
Category main

The sky and earth shared the same colour, white and vague. The prisoners kneeled on the ground, humming the ancient tone.
Air stripped away his body heat, and the hyperthermia deprived his thoughts. The photoreceptor cells twisted and struggled to function. The darkness in his eyes glowed with light. The recklessly writhing monsters with human faces, are appearing into reality, or his dreams.
Say something, say something! Tell him, that in the world of Glaciaxia, there were still men breathing, that the poem of life was still being chanted. And the homeland they stood up to. People built the tower not just to leave, they just, just……
"You are going to die, just like us, put to death by human."
"There is no future, but wandering forever, on the snowy field, over and over again, reincarnating."
"Just like."

10. Warrior – Five - Launching

Date 60/04/11
Supervisior Dlyro
Category souvenir

"The main Tower body is about to launch from the surface. All personnel please check your secure attachment measures. Repeat. The main Tower body is about to launch from the surface. All personnel please check your secure attachment measures."
The snow stopped. The giant silhouette of the Tower appeared, and shrank again in the passage of time. The snowy field shook, herds of beasts ran, teared, hunt, and chased, leaving irregular trails behind on the new snows. They gathered, piled, flattened, and bulged in the deep pit where the tower had left, like a bloating cow belly, digesting. Inveracity and eccentricity rose in people’s minds.
People left, but should they really have done so. The collective suicides of the whims are as always, the revolt against human, or the final, kind warning.

11. Warrior – Six – Human

Date 740/04/11
Supervisior Dlyro
Category souvenir

"I want to go to the Glaciaxia.'
"You have made the decision."
"I've made my mind."
"It's a voluntary action, so I can't stop you……are you really sure? Ready to meet them?"
"They are not real them, we both know it. The past human species has already gone extinct."
"Indeed. The new Glaciaxia patrol is harmless, but they are still whims. There're just too many uncertainties."
"The only uncertainly to the pixel tower, is human. You are afraid of me going back and do something uncalled for."
"Captain, we cannot afford another battle of Cowbelly valley."
"We won't. They are not there anymore.“
