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최근 수정 시각 : 2022-10-12 23:52:15

Krunker/업데이트 내역/베타

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: Krunker/업데이트 내역
1. INITIAL RELEASE V0.0.12. BETA UPDATE V0.1.03. UPDATE V0.1.04. UPDATE V0.2.05. UPDATE V0.4.06. UPDATE V0.5.07. UPDATE V0.6.08. UPDATE V0.7.09. UPDATE V0.7.510. UPDATE V0.8.011. UPDATE 0.8.112. UPDATE 0.9.013. UPDATE 0.9.114. UPDATE 0.9.515. UPDATE 0.9.616. UPDATE 0.9.717. UPDATE 0.9.818. UPDATE 0.9.919. UPDATE 0.9.9120. UPDATE 0.9.9221. UPDATE 0.9.9322. UPDATE 0.9.9423. UPDATE 0.9.9524. UPDATE 0.9.9625. UPDATE 0.9.9726. UPDATE 0.9.9827. UPDATE 0.9.9928. UPDATE 0.9.99129. UPDATE 0.9.99230. UPDATE 0.9.99331. UPDATE 0.9.99432. UPDATE 0.9.99533. UPDATE 0.9.99634. UPDATE 0.9.99735. UPDATE 0.9.99836. UPDATE 0.9.99937. UPDATE 0.9.999138. UPDATE 0.9.999239. UPDATE 0.9.999340. UPDATE 0.9.999441. UPDATE 0.9.999542. UPDATE 0.9.999643. UPDATE 0.9.999744. UPDATE 0.9.999845. UPDATE 0.9.999946. UPDATE 0.9.9999147. UPADTE 0.9.9999248. UPDATE 0.9.9999349. UPDATE 0.9.9999450. UPDATE 0.9.9999551. UPDATE 0.9.9999652. UPDATE 0.9.9999753. UPDATE 0.9.9999854. UPDATE 0.9.9999955. UPDATE 0.9.99999156. UPDATE 0.9.99999257. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE

Krunker 업데이트 내역
(게임 출시) 베타 시즌 1


업데이트 날짜: 2018-05-20
* 2018년 5월 20일, 최초 게임 출시


* 사막 맵의 천장 높이 증가
* 피해량 감소값 추가 (다른 플레이어를 관통해 맞출 때 피해량이 줄어드는 양)
* SMG는 더 이상 헤드샷에 추가 피해량을 입히지 않음
* 큐브 삭제
* Detective 색상을 더 어둡게 만듦
* 인게임 로딩 화면 관련 문제 해결
* 순위표 표시 수정
* 이제 ESC키를 누르면 메뉴가 나타남
* 스폰 시스템 개선

3. UPDATE V0.1.0

* Sniper 소리가 재생되지 않던 문제 해결
* Run N Gun의 피해량 상향
* 움크리기 속도 상향
* Spray N Pray의 생명력을 250으로 상향
* 리볼버 장전 시간 상향
* 총알 예광탄 추가

4. UPDATE V0.2.0

* 단발 사격 로직 추가 (Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper는 더 이상 연사가 되지 않음)
* 총기 스킨 업데이트
* Reddit 링크 업데이트
* Hunter의 생명력이 다시 100이 됨
* 움크리기는 반동을 약간 감소시킴
* 거리에 따른 피해량 감소 추가
* 밸런스 재조정

5. UPDATE V0.4.0

업데이트 날짜: 2018-06-24 또는 그 이전
* 새로운 맵 추가 (Throwback)
* 최대 감도 설정을 10으로 증가

6. UPDATE V0.5.0

업데이트 날짜: 2018-06-25 또는 그 이전
* Dummy 스프레이 추가
* 스폰 문제를 해결하기 위한 Throwback 맵 업데이트
* 약간의 성능 향상

7. UPDATE V0.6.0

업데이트 날짜: 2018-07-08 또는 그 이전
* 랭크 알고리즘 조정 (이로 인해 랭크가 떨어질 수 있음)
* 기본적인 순위표 추가
* Marksman 클래스 추가
* Dummy 스프레이 업데이트
* 이제 움크리기가 반동 감소를 더 많이 함
* 이제 움크리기가 이동속도를 더 많이 느리게 함
* Hunter와 Marksman이 더 이상 Longshot 처치 보너스를 받지 않음
* 셰이딩 향상
* 일부 총기에 수직 반동 추가
* 메뉴 레이아웃 변경
* 이제 계정 이름 길이를 14자까리 할 수 있음
* 기본적인 프로필 페이지 추가
* 샷건 탄퍼짐 증가
* 샷건 사거리 감소
* 계정 전적에 승률 추가
* LMG의 장전 시간을 1.8초에서 2.5초로 증가
* SMG 조준 시 탄퍼짐 증가
* 로그인 하지 않은 플레이어의 이름 정리방식 조정
* 프리징 문제 해결
* 체력이 0이 되었는데도 죽지 않던 문제 해결

8. UPDATE V0.7.0

업데이트 날짜: 2018-07-11 또는 그 이전
* Marksman의 피해량 50으로 증가
* Marksman의 생명력 100으로 증가
* Fixed Arm view model in high pov

9. UPDATE V0.7.5

* 이제 모든 무기의 조준 속도가 무기에 따라서 다름
* AK 반동 증가
* 팔 모델 시야각 조정

10. UPDATE V0.8.0

업데이트 날짜: 2018-07-17 또는 그 이전
* 새로운 맵 추가 (Stockade)
* 무기 아이콘 업데이트
* SMG 반동 증가
* 그래픽 향상
* 이제 닉네임은 계정에 따라 고정됨
* 이제 게스트의 닉네임은 지정된 닉네임만을 사용함
* 장전음 업데이트
* 플레이어 애니메이션 업데이트
* 편집기에 경사면 다시 추가
* 이제 Run N Gun은 더 높게 점프할 수 있음
* You now jump less high while aiming down sight
* 여러 글리치 문제 해결
* IBAO 추가
* 주변 환경 차폐를 비활성화하는 설정 추가
* 조명 시스템 업데이트
* 무기 애니메이션 강도를 변경하는 설정 추가
* 순위표 수정
* 이제 지형과 지면 텍스쳐를 수정할 수 있음
* AK와 SMG의 장전 시간 증가
* 조준선 가시성 개선
* 조준선의 커스텀 색상 설정 추가
* 설정 표시 수정
* 스나이퍼의 탄창을 2발로 감소함
* 스나이퍼의 장전 시간 감소
* Added Desert Biome back
* 스나이퍼의 이동 속도 감소
* 이제 다리에 맞추면 50%의 피해량만 입힘
* 모든 무기의 주변 환경 차폐 업데이트
* 발소리 효과음 업데이트

11. UPDATE 0.8.1

* 이제 Custom Maps 메뉴에서 자신의 맵을 싱글 플레이어로 테스트할 수 있음 (멀티플레이어 soon TM)
For now you can make some jump maps/tracks people can complete or something
* 무기 아이콘 수정
* Sniper 무기 모델 업데이트
* Ramp(경사면) 수정
* Sniper 재장전 시간 약간 감소
* LMG 탄퍼짐 증가
* Sniper의 탄창을 다시 3발로 되돌림 (the leg shot mechanic is enough of a nerf)

12. UPDATE 0.9.0

업데이트 날짜: 2018-08-20 또는 그 이전
* 순위표 수정
* 스폰 시스템을 시선 및 근접성에 따라 작동되도록 향상
* 편집기의 value Inputs 수정
* 새로운 맵 추가
* 옛날 맵 제거 (they are coming back later don't worry)
* 스프레이 깜박임 문제 해결
* 음성 채팅 추가 (Account only feature)
* 설정 메뉴 약간 정리
* 360 및 720 점수 보상 증가
* 편집기에 커스텀 Lighting 및 Fog 추가
* 편집기에 Biomes 제거
* 발소리 음량 증가
* 시각적 향상
* 맵 데이터를 크게 압축시킴
* Bot kick 추가
* Fixes to aimbot are coming in the next update (its not easy to detect these bastards.
Accounts using aimbot will have been flagged after this update and will be deleted soon)

13. UPDATE 0.9.1

* 이제 Object에 약간 올라갈 때 부드럽게 움직임
* Hit Indicator 가시성 개선
* 팀 모드에 처치 지원(Kill assists) 추가
* 맵 업데이트
* Added particle shells that eject from gun when shooting

14. UPDATE 0.9.5

* 모든 총기의 반동 조정
* Improved Visuals
* Particles 추가
* 이제 커스텀 맵을 친구와 같이 (또는 적과) 플레이 할 수 있음
* 커스텀 서버 개선. You can now set things like (Suggest some more if you have any ideas):
* Round Time
* Player Count
* Gravity
* Slow Motion
* 이제 계정 스탯은 더 이상 커스텀 게임의 영향을 받지 않음
* 이제 Assists는 팀 모드에서만 작동함
* 무기가 보이지 않던 문제 해결
* Improved Performance a ton on the server
* Improved error reporting on servers
* 서버 소캣 정리
* 오류 화면에 간산단 새로고침 버튼 추가

15. UPDATE 0.9.6

* Added speed increase to custom games
* 커스텀 서버의 크기 6으로 증가
* 이제 커스텀 게임이 서버 탐색기에 나타남
* 서버 탐색기 화면 개선 (still working on improving this)
* Fixed issue where you connect twice sometimes
* 서버 연결 최적화
* 연결 문제 해결
* 편집기에 Custom Color 추가
* 연결 끊김 현상 해결
* 셰이더 깜박임 문제 해결

16. UPDATE 0.9.7

* Fixed planes not being visible from one side in the editor
* 편집기의 일부 셰이더 문제 해결
* 총기 소리 랜덤화
* Bullet Impact 소리 추가
* Sniper의 이동속도 약간 증가
* Sniper에 Damage Dropoff 추가: no longer one shots with body shots at long range
* Added improved muzzle flash
* 이제 누구나 음성 채팅을 사용할 수 있음
* 음성 채팅 수정
* Made custom games more easily visible in server browser
* Custom Server의 크기를 8명 플레이어로 증가시킴
* 총 소리 업데이트
* 발소리 향상
* 걷는 중의 Leaning Animation 추가
* Fixed shader issues on corners
* Teams can now be set for spawns in the editor: (Leave as 0 for default spawn behaviour).
(1 means only players from team 1 will spawn there)
* Jittery Ramp Collision 수정
* Improved Rendering performance a lot
* 무기 반동 업데이트
* Marksman Rifle의 조준 속도 증가
* 걷기 애니메이션을 더 부드럽게 만듦

17. UPDATE 0.9.8

* Added profile Pages (Report feature doesnt work yet)
Click on any name in the leaderboard to view a profile
* 메뉴 레이아웃 업데이트

18. UPDATE 0.9.9

* You can now jump higher when scoped in
* 이제 No Scope는 150점을 줌
* You can press Test Map from within the editor to save time
* Chrome이 모든 것과 모두를 싫어하기 때문에 HTTPS 자동 리다이렉트를 추가함
Google이 비누를 집어 들게 한 것은 이번이 처음이 아님
* 메뉴 내 Profile Card에 Profile Link 추가
* Reduced view bobbing when you land
* Optimized Client Side performance
* 셰이딩 조정
* 편집기 성능 최적화
* Muzzle Flash(총구 섬광) 감소
* Added Host Ended Game message when a host leaves a custom server
* 이제 Custom Map을 업로드할 수 있음
* Bullet Impact 사운드 제거
* Custom Map에서의 Spawn 제한 증가
* Custom Map에서의 Object 제한 1500으로 증가
* Moved Custom Servers to top of browser
* Reduced Revolver Recoil
* Slightly Reduced Sniper Dropoff start range

19. UPDATE 0.9.91

(Ability to vote on maps is coming in the next update. I just have to fix some minor things)
(I am also adding the ability to host any of the maps you voted on in a public server)
* Added Maps list to Custom Maps page *
To update an existing map just publish the map under the same name
* Social Page 업데이트
* Private Game host no longer gets kicked for inactivity
(So you can host a game and chill in the menu without being kicked)
* Importing Black into editor now longer resets the color
* Removed Shad Scale from map editor
* Parkour 게임모드 추가
* 비공개 게임 옵션 추가
* Replaced Orange with Black Grid: This means you can change the color of the grid only
* 비공개 게임의 넷코드 개선
* Krunkerpedia에 맵 목록 추가
* AK 조준 시간 증가
* Removed timer when testing a map
* Added boost option to ramps
* You can now set a Custom servers time limit to 0 to make it infinite

20. UPDATE 0.9.92

* You can now make ramps and ladders invisible
* 편집기 UI 약간 개선
* Added ability to change sky color in map editor
* 편집기의 Camera Speed 증가
* 셰이딩이 이상하게 생기던 문제 해결
* Added Offline Map testing back
* 맵 불러오기 수정
* If light color is set to 0x00 or 0 it wont be added to the map for performance
* Fixed bhop mode not working
* Fixed issue where big maps don't load
* Increased Server Capacity
* Grid Texture 업데이트
* Changed URL when testing offline
* 서버에 자동 점프 설정 추가
* Custom Games can now be hosted from the map list
* Profile Page 수정
* Grid Texture 수정
* 편집기에 Score Zone 추가 (Passing through this zone gives you a score: Only one time per game)

21. UPDATE 0.9.93

* Added Raw Map Data loading back
* Oil Rig 스프레이 추가

22. UPDATE 0.9.94

* Fixed Wallride Glitch Glitch
* 일부 문제 해결
* 맵 투표 추가 (Im aware that its broken atm)

23. UPDATE 0.9.95

(New Weapon Models in next update)
* Ligma 추가
* 설정 메뉴 업데이트
* No Hud 설정 추가
* Depth Map 설정 추가
* Green Screen 설정 추가
* 최대 시야각 증가
* Leaderboard와 Profile에 Rank Icon 추가
* 새로운 Sniper 스코프
* Hack fix
* 1080s 추가
* Krunker Boys 스프레이 추가
* Kick Timer 증가
* 연결 문제 해결
* Added unlock view Setting so you can do backflips etc
* Hide Weapon 설정 추가
* 일부 애니메이션 조정
* Ambient Shading 문제 해결
* Hunter 이동 속도 증가
* 맵 에러 문제 해결
* Renderer 업데이트
* Added Class selector to Host Menu (So you can host sniper only servers for example)

24. UPDATE 0.9.96

(Theatre Mode next update. Ran into some bugs)
* Sugma 추가
* 맵 목록 업데이트
* Account Page에 XP 막대 추가
* Fixed Map Name display in Server host window
* Name of map creator is now listed on map
* Added Featured Accounts:
* Can host Games with up to 16 Players instead of 8
* Can upload and host maps with a 3000 object limit instead of 1500
* Fixed Controls Setting not saving after refresh
* 맵 투표 수정
* Changed Gravity minimum setting to 0.1

25. UPDATE 0.9.97

* Added Assists back to FFA
* 계정 스탯이 업데이트되지 않던 문제 해결
* Unlock View 설정 제거
* Hot Maps List 추가
* Clips 추가: Press T to save the last 10 seconds as a clip (Theatre mode tomorrow I promise boys)
* Fixed issue where you cant click on a map name in the map list

26. UPDATE 0.9.98

* Clips 최적화
* Sniper Swap Time 감소
* Fixed issue where hiding weapon hides all players weapons
* Added Basic Theatre Mode (Work in progress. Fixes and things coming. Also adding exporting)
* Wall Clip 문제 해결
* Added verified icon to leaderboards too
* Muzzle Glitch 수정
* Igor 제거
* Host can now kick players from their game by doing: /kick [NAME]
* You an now edit ramp colors in the editor
* 학교에 있을때를 위한 프록시 추가 (,,,
* When you dont import anything the map editor no longer clears the map
* When hosting a server it now shows a list of all the maps youve upvoted as favorites
* Fixed Interpolation on time scale servers

27. UPDATE 0.9.99

* 서버 연결 문제 해결
* Maps List 수정
* 연결 끊김 문제 해결
* Fixed Map Updated Response text. (used to show 0)
* My Maps List 수정

28. UPDATE 0.9.991

* Rewrote Load Balancer: Should Reduce Game is Full issue
* 잘못된 URL 문제 해결
* Analytics 추가
* General Optimizations
* Map name and votes visible on end screen
* Update Map Host Screen to show new maps
* Added Custom Map vote to game screen
* Minor hack patches

29. UPDATE 0.9.992

* 클랜 인터페이스 추가 (Back end is broken atm)
* Fixed featured account map object limit
* Added Mod Folder download link to mod page
* Fixed empty end table display

30. UPDATE 0.9.993

* Updated Weapon Models and reticles
* Reduced Aim Speed for AK a bit
* Added more servers to Sydney Region
* Extended Voice Chat time to 4 second
* Added more servers to Frankfurt Region
* Fixed Featured Accounts map object limit issue
* Added more featured accounts
* Updated Login Response when you enter the wrong password or name
* Added Clans: (Work in progress)
* Optimized map host list speed
* Added some spam protection to server
* Adjust Leaderboard Display
* Revamped Name Displays in game to fit Clan name
* Minor Fixes
* Fixed Muzzle Issue

31. UPDATE 0.9.994

* Only clan leader can accept or decline clan requests
* Fixed Clan Request issue
* Fixed Rank Icon for lvl 60
* Added Map Search Function
* Updated Weapon Models and Textures (Not Final)
* Fixed Voice Chat issue
* Site now auto redirects to HTTPS

32. UPDATE 0.9.995

* Added Mod URL to Map Editor: Link to a mod file to load with map:
* This means you can add music or custom sounds to maps
* You can also change textures to whatever you like
* Host the mod.zip on your own server or dropbox: (https://www.dropbox.com/s/\[DROPBOXID]/mod.zip)
And paste the link into the map config
* Updated Ads.txt
* Fixed Mod Sounds not updating for other players
* Updated Mod Folder
* Fixed Sounds playing over the top of eachother when loading mods
* You can load Mods from a URL now
* Updated Weapon Models
* Fixed Proxy Connections:
* Silicon Valley:
* Miami
* Frankfurt
* Sydney

33. UPDATE 0.9.996

* Improved Graphics and Lighting a tad
* Sorted Custom Games by Number of Players
* Added Clan War Mode: Teams Based on Clans
* Optimized Data Saving for Accounts
* Fixed Copy Paste Color in Map Editor
* Fixed issue where wrong map name shows on custom game
* Increased Auto Climb Height: for stairs etc
* Fixed Map Vote display
* Updated Mod Folder with new Weapons
* Added more sydney Servers for da bois
* Updated shotgun model

34. UPDATE 0.9.997

* Fixed Map Import in editor
* Added Search Function to Map List in Game

35. UPDATE 0.9.998

* Added new Class: Rocketeer (Still improving the sounds and collisions and adding rocket jumping)
* Added Explosion Logic
* Fixed Clan Score not Updating
* Fixed some Bot issues
* Updated Sniper Scope
* Fixed Minor issues on Burg
* Updated Reticle Texture
* Added Hide Nametags setting to Server Host Settings
* Increased Run N Gun HP to 100 from 80

36. UPDATE 0.9.999

* Fixed Skill Kills with Rocket Launcher
* Fixed Shotgun
* Added Aim Down Sight Sensitivity setting
* Reset Saved Settings
* Added Direct Impact to Rockets
* Increased Aim Speed for Rocket Launcher
* Decreased Reload Speed for Rocket Launcher
* Decreased Movement speed of Rocketeer
* Reduced Rocket Speed

37. UPDATE 0.9.9991

* Reduced Rocketeer HP to 130
* Reduced Rocket Damage to 125 from 150
* Rocketeer can now deal damage to himself
* Fixed Semi/Auto Display on SMG
* Added Timeout to map list query

38. UPDATE 0.9.9992

업데이트 날짜: 2018-09-03 또는 그 이전
* Added new Map Bazaar (Created by Hoax)
* Added Loading Text
* Updated Sniper AO on UV

39. UPDATE 0.9.9993

* Added Runner Class (Used for Modes without Weapons. Adding punching soon)
* Fixed Voice Chat volume setting
* Removed Weapons from Social and Seek Mode
* Added Hide and Seek Mode
* Added new suicide messages
* Fixed Weird Camera issue at end of round
* Moved Mode Selection to Host Game
* Removed 720 and 1080 because they just get abused too much
* Added Captcha to stop spammers
* Added Donation Button
* Fixed Ramps on new Map

40. UPDATE 0.9.9994

* Added Infected Mode
* Added Pistol to Marksman
* Private Games now Allow up to 10 players
* Added Crosshair to hands
* Giving Hiders more Time to Hide in H&S

41. UPDATE 0.9.9995

* Multiple people can now be infected when there is a certain number of people in the game
* Gave infected less HP
* Increased Infected Speed
* Increased points for infections and finding to +50
* Each time someone is infected 30 seconds are added to the time
* Fixed Plane Rotation
* Optimized Database connection
* Custom Games now count towards your time played

42. UPDATE 0.9.9996

* Fixed Account stats not saving

43. UPDATE 0.9.9997

업데이트 날짜: 2018-09-13 또는 그 이전
(We're in Japan on Vacation so updates will be a bit slower for a week)
* Only 10 Seconds are added when someone is infected now
* Added Search Filter to Server Browser
* Added some new Sprays

44. UPDATE 0.9.9998

* Updated Player Counts when Searching
* Certain Game Modes no longer start unless the correct number of people are in game
* Added Death Zone to Editor: When a player touches it they die
* Fixed Issues on Bazaar Map
* Added Health Multiplier to Server Settings
* Fixed Server Issues

45. UPDATE 0.9.9999

* You can now access the server browser from the disconnect message screen
* Added /ban command to Ban user from Game (Host only)
* Added Movement based settings to custom servers
* Increased Custom Server Limit
* Added Win/Loss Rate to Account Page
* Fixed Random Freezing Issue on end of round
* Increased Auto Climb Height
* Parkour Mode now Allows for all classes again
* Added Map Creator Names to the Host window
* Fixed Auto Climb Speed on Stairs

46. UPDATE 0.9.99991

* Fixes to Account System

47. UPADTE 0.9.99992

* Changes to main menu
* You now earn Krunkies as a reward every round (Amount based on Position on leaderboard and score)
* Added KR (Krunkies) to accounts page

48. UPDATE 0.9.99993

업데이트 날짜: 2018-09-27 또는 그 이전
* Changes to Burg (Give it a chance before you go off on me on reddit plis)
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"
* Removed Bazaar from Rotation until fully optimized
* Updated KR Display on end Board
* In Hide & Seek 10 Seconds are now added on when someone is found
* Increased Infection and Find score to 100 from 50
* Small Shading Changes
* Increased SMG Firerate
* Small adjustment on UV for SMG
* Reduced 360 Point Bonus to 200
* Added More Servers to Regions
* Updated Store Screen: Spins dont work yet

49. UPDATE 0.9.99994

* Added Connection from A to B
* Updated Crate and Barrel Textures
* Added Krunkies Leaderboard

50. UPDATE 0.9.99995

* Widened the Ramp leading to A
* Adjusted Connection from A to B to increase rotation speed

51. UPDATE 0.9.99996

* Added Sid & Vince Sprays
* Some Bug Fixes
* Added Billboards to Map (Contact me if you wanna
advertise: [email protected])

52. UPDATE 0.9.99997

* Adjusted ADS perspective on some weapons
* Added Total Krunkies to Store Display
* Raised Up Mid on Burg to allow for more engagements from B Site
* Added Spins to Store (WIP)
* Fixed Hide Name Tags option for Custom Games
* Increased LMG Damage to 24 from 22
* Increased Marksman Firerate
* Added Heart Spray
* You can no longer damage players while the wait timers are playing
* Added Competitive Mode:
* First to 10 Kills Wins
* Health Regen Starts after 15 seconds
* Infinite Game Timer
* Weapon Skin Name is shown on kill card
* Added new Boss Hunt mode (One player is selected as the boss)
* You can now include mod files when hosting a server
* Refreshing Menu Window when you get logged in
* Increased KR Gain from Games:
* Everyone gets 1 KR minimum per game
* Optimized Performance

53. UPDATE 0.9.99998

* Added 26 New Skins
* Increased KR Rewards earned at the end of a round (Score / 100) Capped at 20
* Added Heroic Spin
* Added new Race Game Mode (First person to get any score wins. Use a scorezone on custom maps as the end of the race)
* Added Verified tick to Leaderboard for Featured Users
* Increased Map Hotlist length
* Fixed Infected Mode
* Fixed Test Map Button
* Fixed Crash when loading mods
* Reduced SMG Damage dropoff
* Removed TDM from Main Rotation
* Health Regen now Percentage based
* Reduced SMG Recoil
* Increased SMG Damage to 16 from 15
* Detective now one shots with headshot

54. UPDATE 0.9.99999

* New KR Reward Formula: ((Score / 150) Capped at 10) x (1.5 or 1.2 for 1# and 2# Place)
* Dropped LMG Damage to 22
* Increased Chances for Good items in Heroic Crate
* Increased DMG dropoff for shotgun at range
* Added KR purchasing to Store (Prices may change)
* Fixed Menu Display issue
* Increased the Pistol Range
* Fixed KR losing Bug
* Optimizations
* Added new Skins
* Several Account Optimizations

55. UPDATE 0.9.999991

(That's a lot of 9s)
* Added Hats
* Added new Skins
* Changed Relic Color to Red
* Updated Menu Screen
* Added First Blood point Bonus +50
* Added Chat notifications when a player unboxes a rare item and above
* Increased Heroic Spin Item Chances

56. UPDATE 0.9.999992

* Reduced Revolver DMG to 63 from 68
* Added more Graphics Options to Improve Performance: Disable Shaders
* Optimized Performance a bit
* Made killcard wider
* Make Leaderboard Wider
* Reduced Bandwidth on Server
* You now get killed in Hide & Seek when you are found
* Added Particle PVS
* Added Client Side PVS
* Added Glowing Skins
* Clans are now shown on the end leaderboard
* Added new Weapon Skins
* Added another tier to the store
* Added Strafing speed increase
* Added Hat Spin (Guaranteed Hat every Time)
* Added Several New Hats


업데이트 날짜: 2018-10-19 또는 그 이전
(맵 편집기 업데이트)
* 새로운 맵 추가: Littletown to rotation (Map Voting and Community Maps coming soon)
* Race Game Mode now ends when a player has hit all of the score zones
(plis someone make a race map)
* Added Emissive Property to Editor
* Added TDM back to the rotation: (Only on Littletown)
* Added Opacity Property to Editor
* Added Glow to weapon and hat Previews
* Updated Scaling to allow for 1x1 objects in the editor
* Optimized Rendering in Editor
* Added Discount for max purchase on store
* Removed Ambient Property from Objects (Shading will be done by the game)
* Added Penetrable Property to Editor: (Can Shoot through these Objects: Like Wood etc)
* Reduced Shotgun Damage at range a little bit
* Added 6 new Hats
* Optimizations
* Buffed Revolver DMG for headshots
* Added more Weapon Skins


* Adjusted Recoil animations on some weapons
* Adjusted Muzzle Flash on some weapons
* Added 90 new Weapon skins
* General Optimizations
* You now earn some KR from certain custom games (Shown with tick in server browser):
* Public
* Over 4 Minutes
* Have more than or equal to 8 player limit
* Not contain over 10 score zones
* No changes to gravity or speed settings


* Added 50 new weapon Skins
* Added New Item Type: Body (Backpacks, Wings, Shirts)
* Added 15 New Hats
* Changed Map Object Limit to 2500 for normal users and 5000 for featured users
* Added more Servers to all Regions
* Optimizations
* Optimized Database calls
* Added Glow to Neon Ripper
* Added Relic Chance to Attire Spin
* Adjusted Sniper Model a bit
* Compressed AO Textures
* Race Mode no Longer has a time limit
* Stats shown on the end board and now based on the mode:
* Race shows time etc
* Infected shows number of infections etc


* Fixed Theatre Mode (Partly. Needs a lot of fixes and work still)
* Increased Marksman DMG to 55 from 50
* Race Mode now has a 10 second delay at the end to allow other players to finish the race
* Time is now only shown for those that complete the race
* Pacemaker is now a Relic Camo
* Added Several new Cosmetic Back Items
* Improved Chances from Heroic Spin


* Added Mod Publishing
* You can now quickload mods from the mod list
* Added community mods selection to server host settings
* Added Setting to disable mod loading
* Increased max Sensitivity
* Fixed Server Crash issues
* Added Ping Display Setting to options
* Added new Suicide messages
* Showing total number of Score Zones
* Krunker Royale Soon


* Added Server Logs for errors
* Crash Fixes
* Fixed Client Side Loadout issue
* Fixed Error Reporting for purchases


* Added new Body items
* Added new Hat items
* Increased Hot Map list length
* Added Panda Gang Spray (Not sponsored by Bear Gang)
* Added Advertising Panel (WIP)


* Increased Shotgun dropoff
* Fixed Ladder Spray
* Replaced Plasma Sniper Camo
* Fixed issue where sometimes clan requests don't get accepted properly
* Clan Leader can now kick members from the clan
* Fixed Kicked for Inactivity when chatting on buying spins


* Added new Sprays (WIP)
* Added Particle Zone to Map Editor (Snow Only for now)
* Small Menu Adjustments
* Server Fixes
* Some Fixes


* Updated Sprays
* Made Leaderboard a tad wider to fit longer names


* Added new Items
* Adjusted Animations


* Added Kill Streak notifs to chat
* Added Hardpoint Mode
* Added Objective Object to Map Editor
* Hack Fixes
* New Sid and Vince Sprays
* Improved Heroic Spins Chances
* You now get more KR from games
* Updated Certs
* Reduced Point Bonuses for Certain kills (Balance)
* Added 720s and 1080s back
* Added new Hats
* Disabled KR earning from Custom Games for now


* Increased KR Gain
* Adjusted Kill Scores for balance
* Fixed Timer Bug where next round has less time
* Fixed Hardpoint showing in FFA


(We are fixing credit card payments. Stand by)
* Spray N Pray now has 160 HP
* Added PayPal KR Purchasing Option
* Returned +50 Headshot Bonus
* Increased KR Rewards
* Fixed Account issues
* You earn points faster from hardpoints now
* Updated Level Icons
* You no longer get stuck at the top of ramps


* Optimizations
* Added stupid Cookie Popup thing to comply with EU law


* Added new Hats
* Fixed Payment Bug
* More Hack Fixes (More coming soon. its hard)
* Added More Servers to Regions
* Disabled Card Payments for Now
* Updated Ads.txt


* Added Killstreak Logic
* Maps Are now listed on players profile page
* DB Code Rewrite
* Added 25 Man Nuke Killstreak
* Minor Hack Fixes
* Names can no longer contain spaces (Clans, Maps, Usernames)


* Increased Run N Gun Speed
* Added KR Black Friday Sale to Store
* Added More Server Space for custom games
* Fixed Please wait issue on server host menu
* Fixed Name Links on Maps List
* Increased Spray N Pray HP to 170
* 5 new Back Items
* 5 new Hats
* 2 New Weapon Camos


업데이트 날짜: 2018-12-09
* Team Based Modes now have team scores displayed under timer
* Hardpoint victory condition now based on Objective Points only
* Black Friday Sale Ended
* Server Optimizations
* Shotgun Reload Time Increased
* Added More Servers to Certain Regions
* Fixed Wallrun Teleport Down Glitch
* New Community Weapons Skins
* New Billboards


업데이트 날짜: 2018-12-23
* Added New Class: Agent
* Team Score Display now shows your team in white
* Server Fixes


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-04
* Added New Map to Rotation: Sandstorm (Created by Crispy Crust)
* Added some new Hats
* Reduced UZI Spread
* Server Fixes
* Increased Map Object Limits: 3500 and 6000


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-15
* Added new Secondary: Deagle (Unlocked at lvl 10)
* New Spray
* 20 new Weapon Skins
* Editor Optimization: (Kudos to Tehchy)
* Added 2 new Textures to Editor
* Added Tree Object to Editor
* Fixes on Server Side
* Updated AdSense Code


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-18
* Deagle now Unlocks at lvl 15
* Deagle now has ADS
* Updated Matchmaker
* Improved Loading times
* Exploit Fixes


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-19
* You can now set a custom speed value to ramps in the editor (Default is 1)
* Added Hunter Spin (Contains only Sniper Skins)
* Added Deagle only Mode
* Fixed UZI Skin Issue
* Moved verified tick to the left of name
* Window now closes properly on logout
* Added Wiki Link to Home Page


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-20
* Removed Deagle Mode (You can just host FFA and set the class restriction to the Deagler)
* Fixed left hand of LMG
* Fixed Custom Colors for ramps in editor
* Added More Particle Options to Editor: Snow, Rain, Fog (Make the rain really tall for best result)


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-21
* Fixed Destructible Objects Glitch
* Increased Marksman Firerate
* Increased Marksman Magazine Size
* Added Advertise Info to Menu
* Decreased Marksman Damage
* Added new map: Canyon
* Added Health to Objects in Editor (Objects disappear when health hits 0 from shooting)
* Buffed 360s Points
* Added Link to Advanced Map Editor
* Fixed See through objects hiding players
* Added MMOK Spray


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-22
* Fixed Rocket Glitch with Destroyable Objects
* Minor Fixes in collision logic
* Slight Performance increase


업데이트 날짜: 2019-01-24
* Fixes to Store System
* Updated Store Terms