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최근 수정 시각 : 2022-03-12 20:44:51

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!/Chef for Hire

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: Cook\

1. 개요2. 식당 목록
2.1. MAX Wieners2.2. Biggs Burger2.3. Eaty's2.4. Chilly Bowl2.5. Chinese Food2.6. Breakfast and Breakloose2.7. Gree/Itali2.8. Pizza That!2.9. All the Sports Grill2.10. Pie Right2.11. Esteban's2.12. Firekickers2.13. Food Shackers2.14. Slammy's Old Fashined BBQ2.15. Burrito Time2.16. Contrast Coffee2.17. Planet Blue2.18. SubSolutions2.19. Budget Food Presents: The World Tour2.20. Oooh, Organic!2.21. Poppers and Crunchies2.22. The Deep All-You-Can-Eat2.23. The Far East2.24. Good Japan2.25. E2.26. Sushi Nest2.27. Tasteville2.28. XLR Purple2.29. Secrets of the Deep2.30. Absolutely2.31. Sebucosto 19912.32. UEIYAV2.33. Executive's Decision

1. 개요

CSD 이외에, 설정상 같은 건물 안에 있는 식당들을 찾아가서 일을 하는 모드이다. 각 식당별로 특색이 있기에 요리가 3개~12개 정도(메인+사이드+음료) 지정되어 프리셋으로 짜여 있다. 식당별로 적게는 8개, 많게는 거의 20개에 가까운 수준의 프리셋이 있으며, 이 프리셋에는 테이블 수와 진열대 수, Buzz 수치까지 모두 지정되어 있어 조절이 불가능하다. 프리셋은 번호로 구분되며, 뒷번호로 갈수록 요리 수, Buzz, 테이블 수 등 전반적인 난이도가 상승한다. 해금만 되어 있다면 앞 번호 프리셋을 클리어하지 않았더라도 뒤 번호 프리셋을 플레이할 수 있지만, 다양한 요리의 조리 절차 및 키매핑을 익힐 겸 앞 번호 프리셋부터 플레이하는 것이 추천된다.

플레이어 레벨업을 통해 식당과 프리셋을 조금씩 해금할 수 있다. 식당 선택 화면에서 식당 로고가 흐릿하게 표시돼 있으면 해금되지 않은 것이며, 로고 우상단에 표시된 숫자는 클리어 기록이 없는 해금된 프리셋의 수이다. 한 식당의 모든 프리셋을 클리어하면 우상단의 숫자가 사라지고 좌하단에 메달이 표시된다. 통상적으로 간단한 요리를 판매하는 식당에서 고급진 요리를 판매하는 식당 순서로, 쉬운 프리셋에서 어려운 프리셋 순서로 해금된다. 각 프리셋은 Classic(일반)이나 Zen(쉬엄쉬엄) 모드로 플레이할 수 있다.

프리셋을 선택하여 하루 일과를 완료할 경우, 조건 달성 수준에 따라 메달이 주어진다. 조건은 아래와 같다. 메달이 누적되면 인테리어 아이템이 해금되며, 그 중에서도 금메달이 누적되면 요리 상점 구매 불가 요리가 해금된다.

2. 식당 목록

2.1. MAX Wieners

MAX wieners
<rowcolor=#000,#ffc600> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 0 25% 6 4
메인: Corndogs, Hotdog, Pretzel, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Tater Tots, Onion Rings
음료: Soda Fountain
02 1 30% 6 4
메인: Corn Chip Pie, Hotdog, Funnel Cake, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Tater Tots, Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain
03 2 30% 7 5
메인: Pretzel, Corndogs, Hotdog, Corm Chip Pie
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain
04 5 40% 7 5
메인: Hotdog, Corndogs, Funnel Cake, Corn Chip Pie, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Fried Okra, Onion Rings
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
05 8 45% 7 6
메인: Hotdog, Pretzel, Funnel Cake, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 9 50% 8 6
메인: Hotdog, Corn Chip Pie, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Onion Rings
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
07 10 60% 8 6
메인: Hotdog, Funnel Cake, Pretzel, Corn Chip Pie, Stadium Nachos, Corndogs
사이드: Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
08 15 75% 9 7
메인: Hotdog, Funnel Cake, Pretzel, Corn Chip Pie, Stadium Nachos, Corndogs
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade

2.2. Biggs Burger

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 3 25% 6 4
메인: Hamburger, Chicken Nuggets, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Tater Tots, Fries
음료: Soda Fountain
02 4 35% 7 4
메인: Hamburger, Breakfast Sandwich, Steak Fingers
사이드: Tater Tots, Fries
음료: Soda Fountain
03 6 40% 8 5
메인: Hamburger, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips
사이드: Tater Tots, Fries
음료: Soda Fountain
04 9 45% 8 6
메인: Hamburger, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chicken Nuggets
사이드: Fries, Side Chili
음료: Iced Tea, Coffee
05 11 55% 8 6
메인: Hamburger, Hotdog, Breakfast Sandwich, Chicken Nuggets
사이드: Fries, Side Chili
음료: Iced Tea, Coffee
06 13 65% 9 6
메인: Hamburger, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chicken Nuggets, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Fries, Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Coffee
07 16 70% 10 7
메인: Hamburger, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chicken Nuggets, Hotdog
사이드: Fries, Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
08 18 80% 10 7
메인: Hamburger, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Breakfast Sandwich, Hotdog
사이드: Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
09 22 90% 11 8
메인: Hamburger, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chicken Nuggets, Breakfast Sandwich, Hotdog
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
달성 가능 도전 과제
Burger Times (9번 프리셋 금메달)

2.3. Eaty's

<rowcolor=#000,#000> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 1 25% 6 4
메인: Dessert Shooters, Salad, Chicken Breast
사이드: Fries, Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
02 3 25% 6 4
메인: Dessert Shooters, Meatloaf, Chicken Breast
사이드: Baked Potato, Wild Rice, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Soda Fountain
03 5 30% 7 4
메인: Lasagna, Chicken Breast, Soup
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Iced Tea
04 7 30% 7 5
메인: Lasagna, Chili, Chicken Breast, Dessert Shooters
사이드: Baked Potato, Mac n' Cheese, Onion Rings
음료: Beer
05 8 35% 7 5
메인: Dessert Shooters, Salad, Chili, Soup
사이드: Fries, Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
06 13 40% 8 5
메인: Dessert Shooters, Chicken Breast, Meatloaf, Salad
사이드: Baked Potato, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
07 13 45% 8 6
메인: Lasagna, Soup, Ribs, Dessert Shooters
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Green Beans, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
08 17 50% 8 6
메인: Lasagna, Chili, Chicken Breast, Dessert Shooters, Meatloaf
사이드: Baked Potato, Fries, Wild Rice
음료: Beer, Soda Fountain
09 21 55% 8 6
메인: Dessert Shooters, Chicken Breast, Salad, Soup, Meatloaf
사이드: Fries, Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
10 22 55% 8 6
메인: Dessert Shooters, Meatloaf, Chicken Breast, Salad, Soup
사이드: Baked Potato, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
11 26 60% 9 7
메인: Lasagna, Chicken Breast, Soup, Dessert Shooters, Chili
사이드: Side Salad, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
12 29 65% 9 7
메인: Lasagna, Chili, Ribs, Dessert Shooters, Chicken Breast
사이드: Baked Potato, Fries, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
13 32 70% 9 7
메인: Dessert Shooters, Salad, Chicken Breast, Soup, Meatloaf, Ribs
사이드: Fries, Mac n' Cheese, Baked Potato
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
14 33 75% 10 8
메인: Chicken Breast, Meatloaf, Dessert Shooters, Salad, Soup, Ribs
사이드: Baked Potato, Onion Rings
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
15 39 85% 11 8
메인: Chicken Breast, Soup, Lasagna, Dessert Shooters, Chili, Spaghetti
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
16 40 95% 11 8
메인: Lasagna, Chicken Breast, Chili, Dessert Shooters, Ribs, Salad
사이드: Wild Rice, Side Salad
음료: Beer, Iced Tea

2.4. Chilly Bowl

chilly bowl
<rowcolor=#000,#dbf4fd> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 2 25% 6 2
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Slice of Pie
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain
02 6 30% 6 2
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Ice Cream Scoops, Cannoli
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain
03 7 35% 7 3
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Taiwanese Shaved Ice, Cannoli
사이드: 없음
음료: Lemonade
04 12 40% 7 3
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Ice Cream Scoops, Funnel Cake, Slice of Pie
사이드: 없음
음료: Juice Bar
05 14 45% 8 3
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Funnel Cake, Cannoli, Taiwanese Shaved Ice
사이드: 없음
음료: Juice Bar
06 17 60% 8 4
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Slice of Pie, Cannoli, Taiwanese Shaved Ice
사이드: 없음
음료: Lemonade, Juice Bar
07 19 75% 9 4
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Slice of Pie, Cannoli, Taiwanese Shaved Ice, Ice Cream Scoops
사이드: 없음
음료: Juice Bar, Soda Fountain
08 23 85% 10 4
메인: Ice Cream Sundae, Slice of Pie, Cannoli, Taiwanese Shaved Ice, Funnel Cake, Ice Cream Scoops
사이드: 없음
음료: Lemonade, Juice Bar

2.5. Chinese Food

CHINESE FOOD Beverages and Sauces
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 8 25% 6 4
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트[5]
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls, Broccoli
음료: Soda Fountain
02 10 25% 6 4
메인: Wok Dish: Beef & Pork, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Japanese Fried Rice
사이드: Side Chow Mein, Egg Rolls
음료: Soda Fountain
03 11 30% 7 5
메인: Wok Dish: Chicken, Chow Mein, Japanese Fried Rice
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls, Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Lemonade
04 12 35% 8 5
메인: Egg Drop Soup, Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Yaki Tomorokoshi
사이드: White Rice, Side Chow Mein, Broccoli
음료: Iced Tea
05 14 35% 8 4
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Japanese Fried Rice
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls
음료: Soda Fountain
06 16 40% 8 4
메인: Wok Dish: Beef & Pork, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Japanese Fried Rice, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: Side Chow Mein, Egg Rolls
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
07 18 50% 8 5
메인: Wok Dish: Chicken, Chow Mein, Japanese Fried Rice, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: White Rice, Broccoli
음료: Lemonade, Soda Fountain
08 19 50% 9 5
메인: Egg Drop Soup, Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Wok Dish: Shrimp & Veg.
사이드: White Rice, Side Chow Mein
음료: Iced Tea, Soda Fountain
09 20 55% 9 4
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Japanese Fried Rice, Yaki Tomorokoshi
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls, Side Chow Mein
음료: Soda Fountain
10 23 55% 9 4
메인: Wok Dish: Beef & Pork, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Japanese Fried Rice, Egg Drop Soup, Chow Mein
사이드: Side Chow Mein, Japanese Fried Rice Side, Broccoli
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
11 25 60% 10 5
메인: Wok Dish: Chicken, Chow Mein, Japanese Fried Rice, Egg Drop Soup, Wok Dish: Beef & Pork
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls, Broccoli
음료: Lemonade, Iced Tea
12 27 70% 10 5
메인: Egg Drop Soup, Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Wok Dish: Shrimp & Veg., Wok Dish: Chicken
사이드: Broccoli, Side Chow Mein
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
13 30 80% 11 5
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Chow Mein, Japanese Fried Rice, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls, Broccoli
음료: Lemonade, Iced Tea
14 34 85% 12 5
메인: Egg Drop Soup, Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Wok Dish: Shrimp & Veg., Wok Dish: Chicken
사이드: Broccoli, Side Chow Mein
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
달성 가능 도전 과제
Chinese Finger Trap (1번 프리셋 클리어)

2.6. Breakfast and Breakloose

Breakfast & Breakloose
<rowcolor=#000,#ffbd1f> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 8 25% 6 4
메인: French Toast, Oatmeal, Pancakes
사이드: Fruit Spread, Bacon, Hash Browns
음료: Pineapple Juice
02 10 25% 6 4
메인: Omelette, Cereal, Waffles
사이드: Hash Browns, Scrambled Eggs
음료: Pineapple Juice
03 11 30% 7 5
메인: Biscuits and Gravy, Breakfast Burrito, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Sausage Links, Scrambled Eggs, Grits
음료: Coffee
04 12 30% 7 5
메인: Muffins, Griddle Eggs, Omelette, Cereal
사이드: Bacon, Fruit Spread
음료: Juice Bar
05 14 35% 7 5
메인: French Toast, Oatmeal, Pancakes, Muffins
사이드: Grits, Sausage Links, Boiled Eggs
음료: Pineapple Juice
06 16 35% 8 5
메인: Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles, Griddle Eggs
사이드: Scrambled Eggs, Fruit Spread
음료: Pineapple Juice
07 18 40% 8 5
메인: French Toast, Breakfast Burrito, Pancakes, Cereal
사이드: Bacon, Scrambled Eggs
음료: Juice Bar, Pineapple Juice
08 19 45% 8 6
메인: Muffins, Griddle Eggs, Omelette, Cereal
사이드: Bacon, Sausage Links
음료: Juice Bar, Coffee
09 20 50% 8 6
메인: Buscuits and Gravy, Oatmeal, Pancakes, Omelette, Cereal
사이드: Grits, Fruit Spread
음료: Pineapple Juice, Coffee
10 23 50% 8 6
메인: Pancakes, French Toast, Omelette, Griddle Eggs, Oatmeal
사이드: Boiled Eggs
음료: Pineapple Juice, Coffee
11 24 55% 9 7
메인: French Toast, Breakfast Burrito, Pancakes, Cereal, Oatmeal
사이드: Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Boiled Eggs
음료: Juice Bar, Pineapple Juice
12 25 60% 9 7
메인: Muffins, Griddle Eggs, Omelette, Cereal, Biscuits and Gravy, Oatmeal
사이드: Sausage Links, Toast, Boiled Eggs
음료: Juice Bar, Coffee
13 27 65% 9 7
메인: Biscuits and Gravy, Oatmeal, Pancakes, Omelette, Cereal, Griddle Eggs
사이드: Toast, Bacon, Fruit Spread
음료: Pineapple Juice, Coffee
14 28 70% 10 8
메인: Pancakes, French Toast, Omelette, Griddle Eggs, Oatmeal, Biscuits and Gravy
사이드: Fruit Spread, Sausage Links
음료: Pineapple Juice, Coffee
15 30 80% 11 8
메인: French Toast, Breakfast Burrito, Pancakes, Cereal, Oatmeal, Muffins
사이드: Hash Browns, Toast
음료: Juice Bar, Pineapple Juice
16 31 90% 11 8
메인: Muffins, Griddle Eggs, Omelette, Cereal, Breakfast Burrito, Oatmeal
사이드: Fruit Spread, Boiled Eggs
음료: Juice Bar, Coffee
달성 가능 도전 과제
Dancin' the Day Away (10번 프리셋 클리어)

2.7. Gree/Itali

Gree / Itali
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 11 25% 6 4
메인: , Lasagna, Eggplant Parmigiana, Chicken Breast
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Side Salad, Green Beans
음료: Beer
02 12 25% 6 4
메인: Lasagna, Spaghetti, Quiche
사이드: Broccoli, Fried Seafood Sides, Corn on the Cob
음료: Beer
03 15 30% 6 5
메인: Lasagna, Tiramisu, Spaghetti
사이드: Black Beans, White Rice, Asparagus
음료: Red Wine
04 16 35% 7 5
메인: Veal Marsala, Eggplant Parmigiana, Tiramisu, Cannoli
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Wild Rice
음료: Pineapple Juice
05 18 35% 7 5
메인: Lasagna, Eggplant Parmigiana, Chicken Breast, Quiche
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Fried Seafood Sides, Asparagus
음료: Beer, Red Wine
06 20 45% 7 5
메인: Lasagna, Spaghetti, Quiche, Tiramisu
사이드: Broccoli, Side Salad, Corn on the Cob
음료: Beer
07 22 50% 8 5
메인: Veal Marsala, Tiramisu, Spaghetti, Chicken Breast
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Side Salad, Wild Rice
음료: Red Wine, Pineapple Juice
08 24 50% 8 6
메인: Veal Marsala, Eggplant Parmigiana, Tiramisu, Cannoli, Lasagna
사이드: Black Beans, Green Beans
음료: Pineapple Juice, Beer
09 26 55% 9 6
메인: Lasagna, Eggplant Parmigiana, Chicken Breast, Quiche, Veal Marsala
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Black Beans
음료: Beer, Red Wine
10 28 65% 9 6
메인: Lasagna, Spaghetti, Quiche, Tiramisu, Veal Marsala
사이드: White Rice, Green Beans
음료: Beer, Red Wine
11 29 70% 9 7
메인: Veal Marsala, Tiramisu, Spaghetti, Chicken Breast, Lasagna, Cannoli
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Fried Seafood Sides
음료: Red Wine, Pineapple Juice
12 31 80% 10 7
메인: Veal Marsala, Eggplant Parmigiana, Tiramisu, Cannoli, Lasagna, Spaghetti
사이드: Side Salad, Fried Seafood Sides
음료: Pineapple Juice, Beer

2.8. Pizza That!

<rowcolor=#fff,#b5554a> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 12 25% 6 4
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Dessert Shooters, Traditional Hot Wings
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
02 13 30% 7 4
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Dessert Shooters, Calzone
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
03 17 35% 8 5
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Calzone, Pizza
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
04 19 40% 8 5
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Dessert Shooters, Traditional Hot Wings, Pizza
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
05 21 45% 9 6
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Dessert Shooters, Calzone, Pizza
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 22 45% 9 6
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Calzone, Pizza, Salad
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
07 24 50% 10 6
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Dessert Shooters, Traditional Hot Wings, Pizza, Salad
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain
08 26 60% 10 6
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Dessert Shooters, Calzone, Pizza, Salad
사이드: Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
09 32 70% 11 7
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Calzone, Pizza, Salad, Traditional Hot Wings, Dessert Shooters
사이드: Side Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade

2.9. All the Sports Grill

All The Sports Grill
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 9 25% 6 4
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Hotdog, Baked Hot Wings
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Dinner Rolls
음료: Beer
02 9 35% 6 4
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Ribs, Hamburger
사이드: Dinner Rolls, Fries, Green Beans
음료: Beer
03 11 40% 7 5
메인: Pretzel, Fried Shrimp, Baked Hot Wings
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Fries, Side Salad
음료: Beer
04 14 40% 8 5
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Baked Hot Wings, Hotdog, Turkey Leg
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Green Beans
음료: Iced Tea
05 17 45% 8 6
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Hotdog, Baked Hot Wings, Pretzel
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Dinner Rolls
음료: Beer
06 19 50% 8 6
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Ribs, Hamburger, Pretzel
사이드: Dinner Rolls, Fries, Green Beans
음료: Beer
07 20 55% 9 6
메인: Pretzel, Fried Shrimp, Baked Hot Wings, Turkey Leg, Ribs
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Green Beans, Side Salad
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
08 24 55% 10 7
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Baked Hot Wings, Hotdog, Turkey Leg, Pretzel
사이드: Mac n' Cheese
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
09 25 60% 10 7
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Hotdog, Baked Hot Wings, Pretzel, Fried Shrimp
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans
음료: Beer
10 27 60% 11 7
메인: Pizza by the Slice, Ribs, Hamburger, Pretzel, Hotdog
사이드: Dinner Rolls, Fries
음료: Beer
11 30 70% 11 8
메인: Pretzel, Fried Shrimp, Baked Hot Wings, Turkey Leg, Ribs, Hotdog
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Dinner Rolls
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
12 33 80% 12 8
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Baked Hot WIngs, Hotdog, Turkey Leg, Pretzel, Pizza by the Slice
사이드: Mac n' Cheese
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
13 36 85% 12 8
메인: Hamburger, Fried Shrimp, Baked Hot Wings, Pizza by the Slice, Ribs, Hotdog
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Dinner Rolls
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
14 ? 85% 12 8
메인: Traditional Hot Wings, Baked Hot Wings, Hotdog, Turkey Leg, Hamburger, Pizza by the Slice
사이드: Mac n' Cheese, Fries
음료: Iced Tea, Beer

2.10. Pie Right

pie right
<rowcolor=#000,#f6b23c> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 24 35% 8 4
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Muffins, Ice Cream Sundae
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
02 25 40% 8 5
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Whole Cakes, Tiramisu
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Pineapple Juice
03 27 45% 8 5
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Cannoli, Tiramisu
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
04 30 50% 9 6
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Whole Cakes, Muffins, Ice Cream Sundae
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Pineapple Juice
05 32 55% 10 7
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Muffins, Ice Cream Sundae, Tiramisu
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 34 60% 10 7
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Whole Cakes, Tiramisu, Cannoli
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Pineapple Juice
07 35 65% 11 8
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Cannoli, Tiramisu, Tres Leches
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
08 37 65% 11 8
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Whole Cakes, Muffins, Ice Cream Sundae, Tres Leches
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Pineapple Juice
09 41 75% 12 8
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Whole Cakes, Tiramisu, Tres Leches, Ice Cream Sundae
사이드: Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
10 46 85% 12 8
메인: Pies, Slice of Pie, Whole Cakes, Muffins, Tiramisu, Tres Leches
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain, Pineapple Juice

2.11. Esteban's

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 26 25% 6 4
메인: Quesadilla, Tres Leches, Chimichanga
사이드: Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Pinto Beans
음료: Soda Fountain
02 28 30% 7 4
메인: Tres Leches, Sizzling Fajitas, Tostadas
사이드: Baked Potato, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans
음료: Soda Fountain
03 29 35% 7 5
메인: Burrito, Tacos, Sopapillas
사이드: Baked Potato, Refried Beans
음료: Soda Fountain
04 31 35% 8 5
메인: Deluxe Nachos, Sopapillas, Chimichanga
사이드: Refried Beans, Mexican Rice
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
05 33 40% 8 5
메인: Quesadilla, Tres Leches, Chimichanga, Burrito
사이드: Mexican Rice, Refried Beans
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
06 35 45% 8 6
메인: Tres Leches, Sizzling Fajitas, Tostadas, Tacos
사이드: Baked Potato, Pinto Beans
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
07 36 45% 9 6
메인: Burrito, Tacos, Sopapillas, Quesadilla
사이드: Baked Potato, Refried Beans
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
08 38 50% 10 6
메인: Deluxe Nachos, Sopapillas, Chimichanga, Sizzling Fajitas
사이드: Refried Beans
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
09 40 60% 10 7
메인: Quesadilla, Tres Leches, Chimichanga, Burrito, Sopapillas
사이드: Baked Potato, Refried Beans
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
10 42 65% 10 7
메인: Tres Leches, Sizzling Fajitas, Tostadas, Tacos, Deluxe Nachos
사이드: Baked Potato, Pinto Beans
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
11 44 70% 11 7
메인: Burrito, Tacos, Sopapillas, Quesadilla, Deluxe Nachos
사이드: Mexican Rice, Refried Beans
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
12 45 70% 11 7
메인: Deluxe Nachos, Sopapillas, Chimichanga, Sizzling Fajitas, Tres Leches
사이드: Refried Beans, Pinto Beans
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
13 47 80% 12 8
메인: Quesadilla, Tres Leches, Chimichanga, Burrito, Sopapillas, Tacos
사이드: Pinto Beans, Refried Beans, Mexican Rice
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
14 49 85% 12 8
메인: Tres Leches, Sizzling, Fajitas, Tostadas, Tacos, Deluxe Nachos, Chimichanga
사이드: Baked Potato, Pinto Beans, Mexican Rice
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
15 51 90% 12 8
메인: Burrito, Tacos, Sopapillas, Quesadilla, Deluxe Nachos, Sizzling Fajitas
사이드: Mexican Rice, Baked Potato, Refried Beans
음료: Iced Tea, Beer

2.12. Firekickers

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 19 25% 6 4
메인: Ribs, Hamburger, Stew, Salisbury Steak
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain
02 21 30% 7 4
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Tostadas, Club Sandwich, Quesadilla
사이드: Fries, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain
03 23 35% 7 5
메인: Chicken Breast, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Stew, Fried Chicken
사이드: Fries, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain
04 28 40% 8 5
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Ribs, Fried Chicken
사이드: Mashed Potato, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain
05 29 45% 8 6
메인: Ribs, Hamburger, Stew, Salisbury Steak, Club Sandwich
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain, Craft Beer
06 33 45% 8 6
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Tostadas, Club Sandwich, Quesadilla, Fried Chicken
사이드: Side Gumbo, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
07 35 55% 8 6
메인: Chicken Breast, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Stew, Fried Chicken, Ribs
사이드: Fries, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Craft Beer
08 37 60% 9 7
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Ribs, Fried Chicken, Salisbury Steak
사이드: Side Gumbo
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
09 39 65% 9 7
메인: Ribs, Hamburger, Stew, Salisbury Steak, Club Sandwich, Fried Chicken
사이드: Side Salad, Green Beans, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain, Craft Beer
10 41 70% 9 7
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Tostadas, Club Sandwich, Quesadilla, Fried Chicken, Chicken Breast
사이드: Side Gumbo, Mashed Potato
음료: Craft Beer, Iced Tea
11 43 75% 10 8
메인: Chicken Breast, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Stew, Fried Chicken, Ribs, Hamburger
사이드: Fries, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Craft Beer
12 45 80% 10 8
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Ribs, Fried Chicken, Salisbury Steak, Hamburger
사이드: Side Gumbo, Fries
음료: Craft Beer, Iced Tea
13 46 85% 11 8
메인: Salisbury Steak, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Stew, Fried Chicken, Ribs, Hamburger
사이드: Side Gumbo, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain, Craft Beer
14 48 85% 11 8
메인: Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Ribs, Fried Chicken, Tostadas, Hamburger
사이드: Side Salad, Side Gumbo
음료: Craft Beer, Iced Tea

2.13. Food Shackers

<rowcolor=#000,#ff8f45> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 20 25% 6 4
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Nuggets
사이드: Fries, Fried Okra, Corn on the Cob
음료: Soda Fountain
02 25 30% 6 4
메인: Chicken Sandwicn, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips
사이드: Tater Tots, Side Chili, Toast
음료: Soda Fountain
03 26 35% 7 5
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Chili, Pot Pie
사이드: Mashed Potato, Fries, Black Beans
음료: Soda Fountain
04 29 40% 8 5
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Fried Chicken, Pot Pie, Chili
사이드: Fries, Side Chili, Toast
음료: Soda Fountain
05 31 50% 8 5
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Pot Pie, Chicken Strips, Steak Fingers
사이드: Fries, Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 32 60% 9 6
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chicken Nuggets, Fried Chicken
사이드: Fried Okra, Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
07 34 65% 9 6
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Chili, Pot Pie, Steak Fingers, Fried Chicken
사이드: Fried Okra, Corn on the Cob
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
08 36 70% 10 7
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Fried Chicken, Pot Pie, Chili, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Strips
사이드: Fries, Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
09 38 70% 10 7
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Pot Pie, Chicken Strips, Steak Fingers, Slice of Pie
사이드: Fries, Green Beans
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
10 40 75% 10 8
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Steak Fingers, Biscuits and Gravy, Chicken Nuggets, Fried Chicken, Slice of Pie
사이드: Toast, Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
11 42 80% 11 8
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Chili, Pot Pie, Slice of Pie, Fried Chicken, Chicken Strips
사이드: Toast, Mashed Potato
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
12 44 85% 11 8
메인: Chicken Sandwich, Chili, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Fried Chicken, Biscuits and Gravy, Slice of Pie
사이드: Side Chili
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea

2.14. Slammy's Old Fashined BBQ

<rowcolor=#000,#8dddff> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 22 25% 6 4
메인: Roast Beef Sandwich, Brisket Slices, Ham Slices
사이드: Mashed Potato, Fried Okra, Toast
음료: Soda Fountain
02 23 30% 6 4
메인: Stew, Sausage Slices, Turkey Slices
사이드: Dinner Roll, Mac n' Cheese, Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain
03 27 30% 7 5
메인: Ribs, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chopped Brisket Sandwich
사이드: Toast, German Red Cabbage, Potato Salad
음료: Soda Fountain
04 31 35% 7 6
메인: Slices 4종 세트[6]
사이드: Potato Salad, German Red Cabbage, Dinner Roll
음료: Beer
05 34 35% 8 6
메인: Turkey Slices, Brisket Slices, Ham Slices, Chopped Brisket Sandwich
사이드: German Red Cabbage, Fried Okra, Dinner Roll
음료: Soda Fountain
06 36 40% 8 6
메인: Chili, Sausage Slices, Turkey Slices, Pulled Pork Sandwich
사이드: Toast, Mashed Potato, Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain
07 39 40% 8 7
메인: Ribs, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Turkey Slices
사이드: Dinner Roll, German Red Cabbage, Potato Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
08 42 45% 9 7
메인: Slices 4종 세트, Ribs
사이드: Potato Salad, Mac n' Cheese, Dinner Roll
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
09 45 50% 10 8
메인: Slices 4종 세트, Chili
사이드: Potato Salad, German Red Cabbage, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
10 47 55% 10 8
메인: Slices 4종 세트, Pulled Pork Sandwich
사이드: Fried Okra, Baked Potato, Potato Salad
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
11 49 60% 10 8
메인: Roast Beef Sandwich, Chopped Brisket Sandwich, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chili, Ribs
사이드: Baked Potato, Potato Salad, Side Stew
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
12 52 65% 11 8
메인: Brisket Slices, Chili, Turkey Slices, Sausage Slices, Ribs
사이드: Potato Salad, Dinner Roll, Side Stew
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
13 54 75% 11 8
메인: Brisket Slices, Ham Slices, Turkey Slices, Roast Beef Sandwich, Side Stew
사이드: Potato Salad, Mac n' Cheese
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
14 59 85% 12 8
메인: Slices 4종 세트, Stew, Chopped Brisket Sandwich
사이드: Potato Salad, Fried Okra
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
달성 가능 도전 과제
Slammy's Way (14번 프리셋 금메달)

2.15. Burrito Time

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 ? 25% 6 4
메인: Burrito, Tamales, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Specialty Fries, White Rice, Black Beans
음료: Horchata, Beer
02 ? 30% 6 5
메인: Burrito, Glazed Donut, Quesadilla
사이드: Refried Beans, Mexican Rice
음료: Horchata, Lemonade
03 ? 35% 7 5
메인: Burrito, Enchiladas, Milkshakes
사이드: Brown Rice, White Rice, Specialty Fries
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
04 ? 40% 7 5
메인: Burrito, Breakfast Burrito, Stadium Nachos, Milkshakes
사이드: Specialty Fries
음료: Lemonade, Soda Fountain
05 ? 40% 8 5
메인: Burrito, Enchiladas, Tamales, Milkshakes
사이드: Refried Beans, Mexican Rice
음료: Horchata, Beer
06 ? 45% 8 6
메인: Burrito, Glazed Donut, Quesadilla, Tacos
사이드: Brown Rice, Black Beans
음료: Beer, Craft Beer
07 ? 55% 9 6
메인: Breakfast Burrito, Tacos, Glazed Donut, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Refried Beans, Black Beans
음료: Soda Fountain
08 ? 60% 9 6
메인: Breakfast Burrito, Tamales, Enchiladas, Tacos, Stadium Nachos
사이드: Specialty Fries, White Rice, Black Beans
음료: Horchata
09 ? 70% 10 7
메인: Burrito, Breakfast Burrito, Tamaels, Enchiladas, Milkshakes
사이드: Brown Rice, White Rice, Mexican Rice
음료: Horchata, Craft Beer
10 ? 75% 10 7
메인: Burrito, Milkshakes, Quesadilla, Glazed Donut, Enchiladas, Tamales
사이드: Black Beans, White Rice
음료: Horchata, Lemonade
11 ? 80% 11 8
메인: Burrito, Milkshakes, Quesadilla, Stadium Nachos, Tacos, Tamales
사이드: Specialty Fries, White Rice
음료: Lemonade, Craft Beer
12 ? 85% 12 8
메인: Burrito, Breakfast Burrito, Tamales, Tacos, Enchiladas, Quesadilla
사이드: Specialty Fries, Refried Beans
음료: Soda Fountain, Beer
달성 가능 도전 과제
Burrito Bandito (6번 프리셋 금메달)

2.16. Contrast Coffee

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 ? 20% 6 4
메인: Hot Lattes, Ice Cream Cones, Specialty Donut
사이드: Croissant, Side Oatmeal
음료: Hot Tea, Coffee
02 ? 25% 6 5
메인: Smoothies, Ice Cream Cones, Frozen Lattes
사이드: Fruit Spread, Side Oatmeal
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
03 ? 25% 7 5
메인: Frozen Lattes, Espresso Shots, Cinnamon Buns
사이드: Kale Chips, Fruit Spread
음료: Coffee, Juice Bar
04 ? 30% 7 5
메인: Espresso Shots, Club Sandwich, Cinnamon Buns
사이드: Kale Chips, Marshmallow Squares
음료: Hot Tea
05 ? 35% 7 5
메인: Hot Lattes, Iced Lattes, Smoothies
사이드: Cookies, Marshmallow Squares, Side Oatmeal
음료: Hot Tea, Coffee
06 ? 40% 8 6
메인: Espresso Shots, Specialty Donut, Cinnamon Buns, Brownies
사이드: Side Oatmeal, Croissant
음료: Iced Tea, Hot Tea
07 ? 45% 9 6
메인: Organic Salad, Iced Lattes, Brownies, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Cookies, Marshmallow Squares, Kale Chips
음료: Lemonade
08 ? 55% 9 7
메인: Hot Lattes, Iced Lattes, Espresso Shots, Brownies, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Kale Chips, Cookies
음료: Hot Tea
09 ? 65% 10 7
메인: Frozen Lattes, Smoothies, Ice Cream Cones, Specialty Donut, Cinnamon Buns
사이드: Croissant, Side Oatmeal
음료: Lemonade, Juice Bar
10 ? 75% 10 8
메인: Club Sandwich, Organic Salad, Ice Cream Cones, Cinnamon Buns, Brownies
사이드: Criossant, Side Oatmeal, Marshmallow Squares
음료: Coffee
11 ? 80% 11 8
메인: Frozen Lattes, Hot Lattes, Iced Lattes, Smoothies, Espresso Shots
사이드: Marshmallow Squares, Kale Chips
음료: Iced Tea
12 ? 90% 12 8
메인: Frozen Lattes, Hot Lattes, Club Sandwich, Specialty Donut, Cinnamon Buns, Ice Cream Cones
사이드: Cookies, Kale Chips, Marshmallow Squares
음료: Lemonade, Iced Tea
13 ? 95% 13 8
메인: Smoothies, Frozen Lattes, Club Sandwich, Specialty Donut, Brownies, Ice Cream Cones
사이드: Fruit Spread, Side Oatmeal, Marshmallow Squares
음료: Juice Bar, Coffee
14 ? 100% 14 8
메인: Frozen Lattes, Hot Lattes, Iced Lattes, Smoothies, Espresso Shots, Specialty Donut
사이드: Fruit Spread, Cookies, Marshmallow Squares
음료: Hot Tea, Coffee
달성 가능 도전 과제
Espresso Chef (14번 프리셋 금메달)

2.17. Planet Blue

planet BLUE
<rowcolor=#fff> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
달성 가능 도전 과제
Waterlogged (2번 프리셋 금메달)

2.18. SubSolutions

<rowcolor=#000,#ffe324> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 17 25% 6 4
메인: Small Custom Sub, Breakfast Sandwich, Soup
사이드: Potato Salad, Fruit Spread, Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain
02 21 30% 7 4
메인: Small Custom Sub, Breakfast Sandwich, Salad
사이드: Cookies, Side Salad, Fruit Spread
음료: Soda Fountain
03 26 40% 8 5
메인: Small Custom Sub, Soup, Sub Sandwich
사이드: Cookies, Fruit Spread, Potato Salad
음료: Soda Fountain
04 28 45% 6[7] 5
메인: Small Custom Sub, Breakfast Sandwich, Soup, Salad
사이드: Potato Salad, Fruit Spread, Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain
05 37 50% 7 5
메인: Small Custom Sub, Breakfast Sandwich, Salad, Sub Sandwich
사이드: Cookies, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
06 38 55% 8 6
메인: Small Custom Sub, Soup, Sub Sandwich, Club Sandwich
사이드: Cookies, Potato Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
07 41 60% 8 7
메인: Small Custom Sub, Breakfast Sandwich, Salad, Sub Sandwich, Soup
사이드: Cookies, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
08 43 70% 9 7
메인: Small Custom Sub, Soup, Sub Sandwich, Club Sandwich, Salad
사이드: Fruit Spread, Potato Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
09 44 70% 9 7
메인: Small Custom Sub, Soup, Sub Sandwich, Club Sandwich, Salad, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Fruit Spread, Potato Salad, Cookies
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
10 48 85% 11 8
메인: Small Custom Sub, Soup, Sub Sandwich, Club Sandwich, Salad, Breakfast Sandwich
사이드: Potato Salad, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea

2.19. Budget Food Presents: The World Tour

Budget Food Presents The World Tour
<rowcolor=#000,#ffc000> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 15 25% 6 4
메인: Pig's Blood Cake, Tabbouleh, Samosas
사이드: Sauerkraut, Stuffed Artichokes, Brown Rice
음료: Pineapple Juice
02 16 25% 7 4
메인: Chimichanga, Pancakes, Sausage and Sauerkraut
사이드: Brussels Sprouts, Side Soup, Broccoli
음료: Soda Fountain
03 18 35% 7 5
메인: Fried Fish, Sopapillas, Pig's Blood Cake
사이드: Refried Beans, Sauerkruat, Brussels Sprouts
음료: Pineapple Juice
04 30 40% 8 5
메인: Salisbury Steak, Chimichanga, Fried Fish, Sopapillas
사이드: Side Soup
음료: Soda Fountain
05 33 40% 8 6
메인: Fried Fish, Steamed Momos, Tabbouleh, Pig's Blood Cake
사이드: Stuffed Artichokes, Brussels Sprouts, Brown Rice
음료: Soda Fountain
06 35 45% 9 6
메인: Pancakes, Pig's Blood Cake, Tabbouleh, Sausage and Sauerkraut
사이드: Refried Beans, Sauerkraut
음료: Iced Tea, Pineapple Juice
07 37 50% 9 6
메인: Samosas, Tabbouleh, Steamed Momos, Sausage and Sauerkraut, Pancakes
사이드: Black Rice, Stuffed Artichokes, Brown Rice
음료: Pineapple Juice, Red Wine
08 39 55% 9 7
메인: Sopapillas, Pancakes, Sausage and Sauerkraut, Salisbury Steak, Steamed Momos
사이드: Black Rice, Side Soup
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
09 43 60% 10 7
메인: Fried Fish, Pancakes, Pig's Blood Cake, Salisbury Steak, Tabbouleh
사이드: Refried Beans, Sauerkraut, Brussels Sprouts
음료: Pineapple Juice
10 46 70% 10 8
메인: Salisbury Steak, Chimichanga, Fried Fish, Sopapillas, Steamed Momos, Samosas
사이드: Side Soup, Stuffed Artichokes
음료: Iced Tea, Red Wine
11 50 80% 11 8
메인: Sopapillas, Pancakes, Fried Fish, Steamed Momos, Sausage and Sauerkraut, Chimichanga
사이드: Side Soup, Broccoli, Sauerkraut
음료: Iced Tea, Red Wine
12 53 85% 11 8
메인: Salisbury Steak, Pancakes, Pig's Blood Cake, Sopapillas, Steamed Momos, Samosas
사이드: Black Rice, Sauerkraut
음료: Iced Tea, Red Wine
달성 가능 도전 과제
Fun Beta Memories (10번 프리셋 금메달)

2.20. Oooh, Organic!

Oooh, Organic!
<rowcolor=#fff> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 30 25% 6 4
메인: Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Carpaccio, Pork Loin
사이드: Fruit Spread, Asparagus, Black Beans
음료: Juice Bar
02 32 30% 6 4
메인: Spinach Veggie Pasta, Bean Burger, Quiche
사이드: Roasted Cauliflower, Kale Chips, German Red Cabbage
음료: Juice Bar
03 35 35% 7 5
메인: Gazpacho, Bean Burger, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Grilled Chicken Sandwich
사이드: Kale Chips, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts
음료: Pineapple Juice
04 38 40% 8 5
메인: Carpaccio, Gazpacho, Pork Loin, Quiche
사이드: Kale Chips, Corn on the Cob, Fruit Spread
음료: Juice Bar, Pineapple Juice
05 42 50% 8 6
메인: Gazpacho, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Carpaccio, Pork Loin, Quiche
사이드: German Red Cabbage, Broccoli
음료: Juice Bar, Iced Tea
06 44 60% 9 7
메인: Spinach Veggie Pasta, Bean Burger, Gazpacho, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Carpaccio
사이드: Fruit Spread, German Red Cabbage
음료: Juice Bar, Iced Tea
07 47 70% 10 8
메인: Gazpacho, Bean Burger, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Carpaccio, Pork Loin
사이드: Black Beans, Brussels Sprouts
음료: Iced Tea, Juice Bar
08 50 80% 11 8
메인: Carpaccio, Gazpacho, Pork Loin, Quiche, Bean Burger, Grilled Chicken Sandwich
사이드: Kale Chips, Roasted Cauliflower
음료: Iced Tea, Juice Bar

2.21. Poppers and Crunchies

poppers & crunchies
<rowcolor=#000,#e38f1b> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 27 25% 6 4
메인: Fried Fish, Fried Chicken, Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Strips
사이드: Fried Okra, Tater Tots
음료: Soda Fountain
02 33 30% 7 5
메인: Sopapillas, Funnel Cake, Fried Fish, Chicken Strips
사이드: Onion Rings, Fried Seafood Sides
음료: Soda Fountain
03 36 35% 7 5
메인: Chimichanga, Fried Shrimp, Chicken Strips, Steak Fingers
사이드: Fries
음료: Soda Fountain
04 40 45% 8 6
메인: Fried Fish, Sopapillas, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chimichanga
사이드: Fried Okra, Tater Tots
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
05 43 55% 8 6
메인: Fried Shrimp, Funnel Cake, Fried Fish, Chicken Strips, Fried Chicken
사이드: Fries, Fried Seafood Sides
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 45 60% 9 7
메인: Chimichanga, Fried Shrimp, Chicken Strips, Steak Fingers, Fried Chicken
사이드: Fries
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
07 50 70% 10 8
메인: Fried Fish, Sopapillas, Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips, Chimichanga, Fried Chicken
사이드: Fried Seafood Sides, Tater Tots
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
08 52 80% 11 8
메인: Fried Shrimp, Funnel Cake, Fried Fish Chicken Strips, Fried Chicken, Chimichanga
사이드: Fries
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
09 55 85% 12 8
메인: Chimichanga, Fried Shrimp, Chicken Strips, Steak Fingers, Fried Chicken, Chicken Nuggets
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade

2.22. The Deep All-You-Can-Eat

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 29 30% 7 4
메인: Crab Cakes, Fried Shrimp, Fresh Fish, Gumbo
사이드: Wild Rice, Side Salad, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Lemonade
02 35 35% 8 5
메인: Fried Fish, Gumbo, Spinach Veggie Pasta
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain
03 38 45% 8 5
메인: Yakizakana, Fried Shrimp, Crab Cakes, Fresh Fish
사이드: Side Gumbo, Fried Seafood Sides
음료: Iced Tea
04 46 50% 9 6
메인: Fresh Fish, Yakizakana, Fried Fish, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Crab Cakes
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Wild Rice
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
05 48 55% 9 6
메인: Crab Legs, Gumbo, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Fried Fish, Fresh Fish
사이드: Steamed Vegetables, Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 51 60% 10 7
메인: Yakizakana, Fried Shrimp, Crab Cakes, Fresh Fish, Crab Legs
사이드: Side Gumbo
음료: Iced Tea, Lemonade
07 56 65% 10 7
메인: Fresh Fish, Yakizakana, Fried Fish, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Crab Cakes, Crab Legs
사이드: Side Gumbo
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
08 58 70% 11 7
메인: Fresh Fish, Fried Shrimp, Fried Fish, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Gumbo, Crab Legs
사이드: Side Gumbo
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
09 61 80% 11 8
메인: Fresh Fish, Fried Shrimp, Fried Fish, Yakizakana, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Crab Cakes
사이드: Side Gumbo
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
10 64 85% 12 8
메인: Fresh Fish, Gumbo, Fried Fish, Spinach Veggie Pasta, Crab Cakes, Crab Legs
사이드: Side Salad
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade

2.23. The Far East

<rowcolor=#000,#ff92fb> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 31 40% 7 4
메인: Yaki Tomorokoshi, Yakizakana, Okonomiyaki
사이드: Broccoli, Brown Rice, White Rice
음료: Craft Beer
02 37 45% 7 4
메인: Ramen, Hiyayakko Tofu, Yaki Tomorokoshi
사이드: Side Chow Mein, Egg Rolls, Edamame
음료: Soda Fountain
03 39 50% 8 5
메인: Agedashi Tofu, Okonomiyaki, Yaki Tomorokoshi
사이드: Kimchi, Tazukuri, Broccoli
음료: Red Wine
04 45 55% 8 5
메인: Yaki Tomorokoshi, Yakizakana, Okonomiyaki, Ramen
사이드: Tazukuri, Brown Rice
음료: Craft Beer
05 49 60% 8 6
메인: Agedashi Tofu, Hiyayakko Tofu, Sashimi, Yaki Tomorokoshi
사이드: Side Chow Mein
음료: Craft Beer, Soda Fountain
06 53 65% 9 6
메인: Yakizakana, Okonomiyaki, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Ramen
사이드: Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Red Wine
07 57 70% 10 7
메인: Yaki Tomorokoshi, Yakizakana, Okonomiyaki, Ramen, Sashimi
사이드: Tazukuri, Brown Rice
음료: Craft Beer
08 60 75% 10 7
메인: Agedashi Tofu, Hiyayakko Tofu, Sashimi, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Okonomiyaki
사이드: Side Chow Mein
음료: Craft Beer, Soda Fountain
09 62 80% 11 7
메인: Yakizakana, Okonomiyaki, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Ramen, Sashimi, Hiyayakko Tofu
사이드: Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Red Wine
10 67 85% 11 8
메인: Yakizakana, Okonomiyaki, Agedashi Tofu, Ramen, Sashimi, Hiyayakko Tofu
사이드: Tazukuri, Edamame
음료: Craft Beer, Red Wine

2.24. Good Japan

good JAPAN
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 32 40% 6 4
메인: Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: Broccoli, Egg Rolls, Onigiri
음료: Soda Fountain
02 37 45% 6 4
메인: Okonomiyaki, Egg Drop Soup, Yaki Tomorokoshi
사이드: Egg Rolls, Onigiri
음료: Soda Fountain
03 40 50% 7 5
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Okonomiyaki
사이드: Japanese Fried Rice Side, Broccoli
음료: Soda Fountain
04 43 55% 8 5
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Japanese Fried Rice
사이드: Broccoli, Edamame
음료: Soda Fountain
05 48 60% 8 6
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 51 65% 9 6
메인: Wok Dish 3종 세트, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Japanese Fried Rice
사이드: Onigiri
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
07 55 70% 9 7
메인: Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Egg Drop Soup, Okonomiyaki, Wok Dish: Chicken
사이드: Broccoli, Egg Rolls, Onigiri
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
08 59 75% 10 7
메인: Okonomiyaki, Egg Drop Soup, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Japanese Fried Rice, Wok Dish: Shrimp & Veg.
사이드: Egg Rolls, Onigiri
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
09 63 80% 10 8
메인: Japanese Fried Rice, Chow Mein, Egg Drop Soup, Okonomiyaki, Wok Dish: Chicken, Wok Dish: Shrimp & Veg.
사이드: Edamame, Egg Rolls
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
10 65 80% 11 8
메인: Okonomiyaki, Egg Drop Soup, Yaki Tomorokoshi, Japanese Fried Rice, Wok Dish: Shrimp & Veg., Wok Dish: Chicken
사이드: Egg Rolls, Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
11 70 85% 11 8
메인: Okonomiyaki, Egg Drop Soup, Japanese Fried Rice, Wok Dish 3종 세트
사이드: White Rice, Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade

2.25. E

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 33 40% 6 4
메인: Tabbouleh, Sliders, Pot Pie
사이드: Asparagus, Dinner Roll, Green Beans
음료: Craft Beer
02 39 45% 7 4
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Beef Wellington, Sliders
사이드: Side Salad, Corn on the Cob
음료: Juice Bar
03 42 45% 7 5
메인: Tabbouleh, Pasta, Quiche
사이드: Green Beans, Side Soup
음료: Iced Tea
04 47 50% 8 5
메인: Dessert Shooters, Beef Wellington, Pasta
사이드: Dinner Roll, Peas
음료: Red Wine
05 49 55% 8 5
메인: Tabbouleh, Dessert Shooters, Pot Pie, Beef Wellington
사이드: Asparagus, Green Beans, Stuffed Artichokes
음료: Craft Beer, Iced Tea
06 52 60% 8 6
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Sizzling Fajitas, Sliders, Steamed Momos
사이드: Peas, Corn on the Cob
음료: Iced Tea, Juice Bar
07 54 60% 9 6
메인: Tabbouleh, Pasta, Quiche, Steamed Momos
사이드: Side Salad, Side Soup
음료: Iced Tea, Craft Beer
08 57 70% 9 6
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Sliders, Pasta, Tabbouleh
사이드: Dinner Roll, Corn on the Cob
음료: Red Wine, White Wine
09 60 70% 9 7
메인: Steamed Momos, Sizzling Fajitas, Pot Pie, Beef Wellington, Eggplant Parmigiana
사이드: Asparagus, Stuffed Artichokes
음료: Red Wine, Iced Tea
10 63 70% 10 7
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Sliders, Salad, Steamed Momos, Tabbouleh
사이드: Peas, Stuffed Artichokes
음료: White Wine, Iced Tea
11 68 75% 10 7
메인: Quiche, Pot Pie, Sliders, Steamed Momos, Dessert Shooters
사이드: Side Salad, Stuffed Artichokes
음료: White Wine, Craft Beer
12 71 75% 10 8
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Sliders, Steamed Momos, Tabbouleh, Salad
사이드: Side Soup, Corn on the Cob
음료: Red Wine, White Wine
13 73 80% 11 8
메인: Steamed Momos, Sizzling Fajitas, Pot Pie, Beef Wellington, Eggplant Parmigiana, Pasta
사이드: Asparagus, Stuffed Artichokes
음료: Red Wine, Craft Beer
14 75 80% 11 8
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Sliders, Salad, Steamed Momos, Tabbouleh, Pasta
사이드: Dinner Roll, Side Soup
음료: White Wine, Red Wine
15 77 85% 12 8
메인: Quiche, Pot Pie, Sliders, Steamed Momos, Dessert Shooters, Pasta
사이드: Side Salad, Side Soup
음료: Juice Bar, Craft Beer
16 79 90% 12 8
메인: Eggplant Parmigiana, Sliders, Steamed Momos, Tabbouleh, Salad, Pasta
사이드: Side Soup
음료: Red Wine, Iced Tea

2.26. Sushi Nest

sushi nest
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 21 40% 6 5
메인: Sushi, Agedashi Tofu, Hiyayakko Tofu
사이드: White Rice, Onigiri
음료: Soda Fountain
02 31 45% 6 5
메인: Sushi, Ramen, Hiyayakko Tofu
사이드: Side Egg Drop Soup, Egg Rolls
음료: Soda Fountain
03 36 50% 7 5
메인: Sushi, Agedashi Tofu, Ramen
사이드: Side Egg Drop Soup, Egg Rolls
음료: Craft Beer
04 41 55% 7 5
메인: Sushi, Sashimi, Agedashi Tofu
사이드: White Rice, Egg Rolls
음료: Craft Beer
05 53 60% 8 5
메인: Sushi, Sashimi, Agedashi Tofu
사이드: Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Lemonade
06 58 65% 8 5
메인: Sushi, Ramen, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
07 66 70% 9 5
메인: Sushi, Hiyayakko Tofu
사이드: Onigiri, Side Egg Drop Soup
음료: Lemonade, Iced Tea
08 69 70% 9 6
메인: Sushi, Ramen, Egg Drop Soup
사이드: Side Egg Drop Soup, Japanese Fried Rice Side
음료: Craft Beer, Iced Tea
09 72 75% 9 6
메인: Sushi, Agedashi Tofu
사이드: White Rice, Onigiri
음료: Craft Beer, Iced Tea
10 78 80% 9 6
메인: Sushi, Sashimi
사이드: Onigiri
음료: Craft Beer, Soda Fountain
달성 가능 도전 과제
Secret Ninja (10번 프리셋 금메달)

2.27. Tasteville

<rowcolor=#fff> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대
판매 요리
01 46 40% 6 4
메인: Salad, Brisket Slices, Hamburger
사이드: Mashed Potatoes, Baked Potato, Fries
음료: Soda Fountain
02 50 40% 7 4
메인: Soup, Traditional Hot Wings, Corndogs
사이드: 없음
음료: Soda Fountain
03 56 45% 7 5
메인: Lasagna, Steak, Sausage Slices
사이드: Mashed Potatoes, Side Gumbo, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Soda Fountain
04 61 50% 8 5
메인: Chili, Baked Hot Wings, Pizza
사이드: Potato Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Side Gumbo
음료: Beer
05 64 55% 8 6
메인: Salad, Corndogs, Hamburger, Baked Hot Wings
사이드: Mashed Potatoes, Baked Potato, Fries
음료: Iced Tea
06 69 60% 8 6
메인: Soup, Chili, Hamburger, Lasagna
사이드: Side Gumbo, Potato Salad
음료: Iced Tea
07 72 65% 9 6
메인: Lasagna, Corndogs, Sausage Slices, Brisket Slices
사이드: Mashed Potatoes, Side Gumbo
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
08 74 70% 9 7
메인: Chili, Salad, Pizza, Baked Hot Wings
사이드: Potato Salad, Mashed Potatoes, Side Gumbo
음료: Beer, Soda Fountain
09 76 70% 9 7
메인: Pizza, Brisket Slices, Corndogs, Baked Hot Wings, Chili
사이드: Side Gumbo, Corn on the Cob
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
10 80 75% 10 7
메인: Soup, Chili, Hamburger, Steak, Baked Hot Wings
사이드: Side Gumbo
음료: Iced Tea, Beer
11 82 75% 10 7
메인: Pizza, Corndogs, Traditional Hot Wings, Brisket Slices, Steak
사이드: Potato Salad, Fries
음료: Soda Fountain, Iced Tea
12 84 80% 10 8
메인: Chili, Soup, Salad, Baked Hot Wings, Hamburger, Corndogs
사이드: Fries, Mashed Potatoes
음료: Beer, Soda Fountain
13 86 85% 11 8
메인: Pizza, Corndogs, Traditional Hot Wings, Salad, Steak, Soup
사이드: Potato Salad, Steamed Vegetables
음료: Beer, Iced Tea
14 89 90% 12 8
메인: Chili, Soup, Traditional Hot Wings, Baked Hot Wings, Hamburger, Sausage Slices
사이드: Corn on the Cob, Baked Potato
음료: Beer, Soda Fountain

2.28. XLR Purple

<rowcolor=#b15cff> 프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대 판매 요리
01 39
02 41
03 52
04 54
05 62
06 65
07 67
08 70
09 74
10 81
11 83
12 87
13 90
14 92

2.29. Secrets of the Deep

Secrets of the Deep
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대 판매 요리
01 44
02 48
03 51
04 55
05 57
06 66
07 68
08 73
09 75
10 78
11 80
12 85
13 88
14 91

2.30. Absolutely

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대 판매 요리
01 45
02 47
03 51
04 54
05 58
06 66
07 71
08 76
09 77
10 79
11 81
12 82

2.31. Sebucosto 1991

sebucosto 1991
프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대 판매 요리
01 48
02 56
03 57
04 59
05 62
06 65
07 68
08 74
09 80
10 83
11 86
12 93

2.32. UEIYAV

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대 판매 요리
01 56
02 60
03 63
04 64
05 67
06 71
07 75
08 81
09 82
10 85
11 87
12 94
13 95
14 97
15 98

2.33. Executive's Decision

프리셋 해금레벨 Buzz 테이블 진열대 판매 요리
01 70
02 73
03 79
04 80
05 84
06 88
07 89
08 91
09 92
10 93
11 95
12 96
13 97
14 98
15 99
16 100

[1] 순서대로 Chef Novice, The Bronze Chef, Copper Spatula Award, Bronze Bowl, Bronzetacular. [2] 순서대로 A Strong Start!, The Silver Spoon, Silver Bullet. [3] 순서대로 Gold Medal Ribbon, Pefrection, Just Getting Started, Too Easy, Going All The Way. [4] 순서대로 Employee of the Week, Employee of the Month, Employee of the Year. [5] Wok Dish: Beef & Pork, Wok Dish: Chicken, Wok Dish: Shrimp and Veg. [6] Brisket Slices, Ham Slices, Turkey Slices, Sausage Slices. [7] 오타가 아니고 실제로 3번 프리셋에서 4번 프리셋으로 넘어갈 때 테이블 수가 줄어든다!