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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-09-08 04:21:42

옥스퍼드 대학교/학위과정 및 전공

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대학 정보
학과 및 연구소 학위과정 및 전공 컬리지 입시 한국과의 관계 논란 및 사건 사고
재학생 정보
생활 및 문화
( 주거 및 도서관)
도시 전반 교통 관광
졸업생 / 기타
출신 인물
( 분류)
재직 인물
( 분류)
옥스브리지 코로나19 백신 AZD1222
관련 기관 및 사이트
Our World in Data 엄격성 지수 }}}}}}}}}

1. 개요2. 전공, 학과 구분3. 학부 학위과정 목록4. 대학원 학위과정 목록5. 박사학위 약칭

1. 개요

영국 옥스퍼드 대학교의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록.

2. 전공, 학과 구분

옥스퍼드대학의 학위과정은 학문분야(전공) 단위로 조직되며, 전공의 명칭이 학과의 명칭과 일치하지 않을 수 있다. 예를 들어, 하나의 학과가 2개 이상의 박사학위과정을 운영할 수 있으며, 어느 하나의 학위과정이 2개 이상의 학과가 공동 운영하는 것일 수도 있다. 예를 들어, 2021/2022학년도까지의 옥스퍼드대학의 생물학 학사 학위과정은 '옥스퍼드대학 동물학과'와 '옥스퍼드대학 식물학과'가 공동으로 운영하는 것이며, '옥스퍼드대학 생물학과'는 존재하지 않았다. 다만 옥스퍼드대학의 동물학과와 식물학과가 2022년에 '생물학과'로 통합하기로 함에 따라 2022/2023학년도부터는 학사학위 전공 명칭과 학과 명칭이 서로 일치하게 되었다. 또한 한국 대학들과 미국 대학들은 전공(major)과 학위과정(programme)이라는 용어를 모두 쓰지만, 옥스퍼드대학에서는 한국어의 '전공'에 해당하는 'major'라는 단어를 잘 쓰지 않고, 학위과정(programme)이라는 개념만 주로 사용한다.

3. 학부 학위과정 목록

학사학위를 부여하는 학사과정, (학사학위 없이) 석사학위를 부여하는 학석사 통합 과정이 있다.

2022년부로 옥스포드에도 일부 학과들에 학부 예비 과정(파운데이션)+학부 과정인 Astrophoria Programme이 신설되었다. Astrophoria Programme이 있는 해당 학과명에 괄호로 A라고 표시했다.
전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
(학사, 석사)
소속 학과·학부·연구소 재학 연한
(교육 과정 기한)
Archaeology and Anthropology BA 3년
Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) MBiochem 4년
Biology BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Biomedical Sciences BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Biomedical Engineering(A) BEng-MEng 4년-5년
Chemistry(A) MChem 4년
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History(A) BA 3년
Classics(A) BA 4년
Classics and English Course I BA(3년제),
Course II BA(4년제)
3년 또는 4년
Classics and Modern Languages BA(4년제),
BA(외국 1년 수학 포함 5년제)
4년 또는 5년
Classics and Oriental Studies BA 4년
Computer Science BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Computer Science and Philosophy BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Earth Sciences (Geology) BA Geology(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Economics and Management BA 3년
Engineering Science(A) MEng 4년
English Language and Literature BA 3년
English and Modern Languages BA(외국 1년 수학 포함) 4년
European and Middle Eastern Languages BA(외국 1년 수학 포함) 4년
Fine Art BFA 3년
Geography BA 3년
History BA 3년
History (Ancient and Modern) BA 3년
History and Economics BA 3년
History and English BA 3년
History and Modern Languages BA(외국 1년 수학 포함) 4년
History and Politics BA 3년
History of Art BA 3년
Human Sciences BA 3년
Law (Jurisprudence) BA equivalent to LLB 3년 또는 4년
Materials Science(A) MEng 4년
Mathematics BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Mathematics and Computer Science BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Mathematics and Philosophy BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Mathematics and Statistics BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Medicine BA(3년제),
3년 또는 6년
(graduate-entry/ accelerated)
BM BCh 4년
Modern Languages BA(외국 1년 수학 포함) 4년
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(외국 1년 수학 포함) 4년
Music BA 3년
Oriental Studies BA 3년 또는 4년
Philosophy and Modern Languages BA(외국 1년 수학 포함) 4년
Philosophy, Politics and Economics ( PPE) BA 3년
Philosophy and Theology BA 3년
Physics BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Physics and Philosophy BA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Psychology (Experimental) BA 3년
Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics BA 3년
Religion and Oriental Studies BA 3년
Theology and Religion BA 3년

4. 대학원 학위과정 목록

수업 석사과정, 연구 석사과정, 박사과정이 있다.
전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
(석사, 박사)
소속 학과·학부·연구소 전일제 여부 재학 연한
(교육 과정 기한)
African Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Full time 9 months
Ancient History DPhil Faculty of Classics Full time 3-4 years
Ancient History DPhil Faculty of Classics Part time 6-8 years
Ancient Philosophy MSt Faculty of Philosophy Full time 9 months
Anthropology DPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 3-4 years
Anthropology DPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Part time 6-8 years
Applied Landscape Archaeology MSc Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition MSc Department of Education Full time 1 year
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching MSc Department of Education Part time 2 years
Applied Theology MTh Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 2 years
Applied Theology MTh Faculty of Theology and Religion Part time 3-4 years
Applied Theology PGDip Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 1 year
Applied Theology PGDip Faculty of Theology and Religion Part time 2 years
Archaeological Science DPhil School of Archaeology Full time 3-4 years
Archaeological Science MSc School of Archaeology Full time 1 year
Archaeology DPhil School of Archaeology Full time 3-4 years
Archaeology DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 6-8 years
Archaeology MSc School of Archaeology Full time 11 months
Architectural History DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 5-8 years
Architectural History PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 11 months
Area Studies DPhil Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Full time 3-4 years
Astrophysics DPhil Department of Physics Full time 3-4 years
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics DPhil Department of Physics Full time 3-4 years
Atomic and Laser Physics DPhil Department of Physics Full time 3-4 years
Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems EPSRC CDT Department of Computer Science, Department of Engineering Science Full time 4 years
Bachelor of Civil Law BCL Faculty of Law Full time 10 months
Bible Interpretation MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Biochemistry DPhil Department of Biochemistry Full time 3-4 years
Biochemistry MSc (Res) Department of Biochemistry Full time 1-3 years
Biochemistry (Skaggs-Oxford Programme) DPhil Department of Biochemistry Full time 5 years
Biodiversity, Conservation and Management MPhil School of Geography and the Environment Full time 2 years
Biodiversity, Conservation and Management MSc School of Geography and the Environment Full time 1 year
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 3 years
Biomedical Sciences (NIH OxCam) DPhil Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Full time 3-4 years
Buddhist Studies MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Cancer Science DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 3-4 years
Cardiovascular Science DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Cellular Structural Biology DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Chemical Biology DPhil Department of Chemistry Full time 3-4 years
Chemical Biology MSc (Res) Department of Chemistry Full time 2-3 years
Chemistry in Cells: New Technologies to Probe Complex Biology and Medicine DPhil Department of Chemistry, Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Classical Archaeology DPhil School of Archaeology Full time 3-4 years
Classical Archaeology MPhil School of Archaeology Full time 21 months
Classical Archaeology MSt School of Archaeology Full time 9 months
Classical Armenian Studies MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Classical Hebrew Studies MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Classical Indian Religion MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Classical Languages and Literature DPhil Faculty of Classics Full time 3-4 years
Classical Languages and Literature DPhil Faculty of Classics Part time 6-8 years
Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience MSc Department of Psychiatry Full time 1 year
Clinical Embryology MSc Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health Full time 1 year
Clinical Medicine DPhil Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Full time 3-4 years
Clinical Medicine DPhil Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Part time 6-8 years
Clinical Neurosciences DPhil Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Full time 3-4 years
Clinical Neurosciences DPhil Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Part time 6-8 years
Clinical Neurosciences MSc (Res) Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Full time 1-3 years
Clinical Neurosciences MSc (Res) Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Part time 2-6 years
Clinical Psychology DClinPsych Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training Full time 3-4 years
Clinical Trials MSc Nuffield Department of Population Health Part time 2 years
Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology MSc School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 1 year
Cognitive Behavioural Studies PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 6-8 years
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy MSc Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGDip Department for Continuing Education Part time Up to 1 year
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 9 months
Comparative Literature and Critical Translation MSt Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation, Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses Full time 9 months
Comparative Social Policy MPhil Department of Social Policy and Intervention Full time 21 months
Comparative Social Policy MSc Department of Social Policy and Intervention Full time 1 year
Computational Discovery DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 3-4 years
Computer Science DPhil Department of Computer Science Full time 3-4 years
Computer Science MSc Department of Computer Science Full time 1 year
Condensed Matter Physics DPhil Department of Physics Full time 3-4 years
Contemporary Chinese Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 1 year
Continuing Education DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 4-8 years
Creative Writing MSt Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
Criminology DPhil Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law Full time 3-4 years
Criminology DPhil Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law Part time 6-8 years
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law Full time 9 months
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law Part time 21 months
Cuneiform Studies MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Development Studies MPhil Department of International Development Full time 21 months
Diplomatic Studies MSt Department for Continuing Education Full time 1 year
Diplomatic Studies PGDip Department for Continuing Education Full time 9 months
Earth Sciences DPhil Department of Earth Sciences Full time 3-4 years
Eastern Christian Studies MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Ecological Survey Techniques PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 1 year
Economic and Social History MPhil Department of Economics, Faculty of History Full time 21 months
Economic and Social History MSc Department of Economics, Faculty of History Full time 11 months
Economics DPhil Department of Economics Full time 3-4 years
Economics DPhil Department of Economics Part time 6-8 years
Economics MPhil Department of Economics Full time 21 months
Economics for Development MSc Department of Economics, Department of International Development Full time 9 months
Education DPhil Department of Education Full time 3-4 years
Education DPhil Department of Education Part time 6-8 years
Education (Child Development and Education) MSc Department of Education Full time 1 year
Education (Comparative and International Education) MSc Department of Education Full time 1 year
Education (Higher Education) MSc Department of Education Full time 1 year
Education (Research Design and Methodology) MSc Department of Education Full time 1 year
Education (Research Design and Methodology) MSc Department of Education Part time 2 years
Educational Assessment MSc Department of Education Part time 2 years
Egyptology MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Energy Systems MSc Department of Engineering Science Full time 1 year
Energy Systems MSc Department of Engineering Science Part time 2 years
Energy Systems MSc Department of Engineering Science Part time 3 years
Engineering Science DPhil Department of Engineering Science Full time 3-4 years
Engineering Science DPhil Department of Engineering Science Part time 6-8 years
Engineering Science MSc (Res) Department of Engineering Science Full time 2-3 years
English DPhil Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 3-4 years
English DPhil Faculty of English Language and Literature Part time 6-8 years
English (1550-1700) MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
English (1700-1830) MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
English (1830-1914) MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
English (1900-Present) MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
English (650-1550) MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
English and American Studies MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
English Local History DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 4-6 years
English Local History MSc Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
English Studies (Medieval Period) MPhil Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 21 months
Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time Up to 1 year
Environmental Change and Management MPhil School of Geography and the Environment Full time 2 years
Environmental Change and Management MSc School of Geography and the Environment Full time 1 year
Environmental Research NERC DTP Environmental Research Doctoral Training Partnership Full time 4 years
Evidence Based Health Care (Medical Statistics) MSc Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 2-4 years
Evidence Based Health Care (Systematic Reviews) MSc Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 2-4 years
Evidence-Based Health Care DPhil Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 4-8 years
Evidence-Based Health Care MSc Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 2-4 years
Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation MPhil Department of Social Policy and Intervention Full time 21 months
Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation MSc Department of Social Policy and Intervention Full time 1 year
Executive MBA EMBA Saïd Business School Part time 24 or 26 months
Experimental and Translational Therapeutics MSc Department for Continuing Education, Department of Oncology Part time 2-4 years
Experimental Psychology DPhil Department of Experimental Psychology Full time 3-4 years
Experimental Psychology DPhil Department of Experimental Psychology Part time 6-8 years
Experimental Psychology MSc (Res) Department of Experimental Psychology Full time 1-3 years
Experimental Psychology MSc (Res) Department of Experimental Psychology Part time 2-6 years
Film Aesthetics MSt Film Aesthetics, Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses Full time 9 months
Finance DPhil Saïd Business School Full time 3-4 years
Financial Economics MSc Department of Economics, Saïd Business School Full time 9 months
Financial Strategy PGDip Saïd Business School Part time 1 year
Fine Art DPhil Ruskin School of Art Full time 3-4 years
Fine Art DPhil Ruskin School of Art Part time 6-8 years
Fine Art MFA Ruskin School of Art Full time 9 months
Fine Art MFA Ruskin School of Art Part time 21 months
Future Propulsion and Power EPSRC CDT Department of Engineering Science Full time 4 years
Genomic Medicine and Statistics DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Geography and the Environment DPhil School of Geography and the Environment Full time 3-4 years
Geography and the Environment DPhil School of Geography and the Environment Part time 6-8 years
Global and Imperial History MSt Faculty of History Full time 9 months
Global Business PGDip Saïd Business School Part time 1 year
Global Governance and Diplomacy MSc Department of International Development Full time 9 months
Global Health Science and Epidemiology MSc Nuffield Department of Population Health Full time 1 year
Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature MPhil Faculty of Classics Full time 21 months
Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature MSt Faculty of Classics Full time 9 months
Greek and/or Roman History MPhil Faculty of Classics Full time 21 months
Greek and/or Roman History MSt Faculty of Classics Full time 9 months
Health Data Science EPSRC CDT Department of Computer Science Full time 4 years
Health Research PGDip Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 1-3 years
Health Research PGCert Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 1-2 years
Historical Studies MSt Department for Continuing Education Part time 1 year
Historical Studies PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 9 months
History DPhil Faculty of History Full time 3-4 years
History DPhil Faculty of History Part time 6-8 years
History MPhil Faculty of History Full time 21 months
History MSt Faculty of History Full time 9 months
History MSt Faculty of History Part time 21 months
History (History of Science and Medicine & Economic and Social History) DPhil Faculty of History Full time 3-4 years
History (History of Science and Medicine & Economic and Social History) DPhil Faculty of History Part time 6-8 years
History of Art DPhil Faculty of History, History of Art Department Full time 3-4 years
History of Art DPhil Faculty of History, History of Art Department Part time 6-8 years
History of Art and Visual Culture MSt Faculty of History, History of Art Department Full time 9 months
History of Design MSt Department for Continuing Education Part time 21 months
History of Science, Medicine and Technology MPhil Faculty of History Full time 21 months
History of Science, Medicine and Technology MSc Faculty of History Full time 11 months
Information, Communication and the Social Sciences DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Full time 3-4 years
Information, Communication and the Social Sciences DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Part time 6-8 years
Inorganic Chemistry DPhil Department of Chemistry Full time 3-4 years
Inorganic Chemistry MSc (Res) Department of Chemistry Full time 2-3 years
Inorganic Chemistry for Future Manufacturing ESPRC CDT Department of Chemistry Full time 4 years
Integrated Immunology MSc Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Full time 1 year
Intellectual Property Law and Practice PGDip Faculty of Law Part time 10 months
Interdisciplinary Bioscience BBSRC DTP MPLS Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Interdisciplinary Medical Research (MRC Doctoral Training Partnership) DPhil MPLS Doctoral Training Centre Full time 3-4 years
Interdisciplinary Medical Research (MRC Doctoral Training Partnership) DPhil MPLS Doctoral Training Centre Part time 6-8 years
International Development DPhil Department of International Development Full time 3-4 years
International Development DPhil Department of International Development Part time 6-8 years
International Health and Tropical Medicine MSc Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine Full time 1 year
International Human Rights Law MSt Department for Continuing Education Part time 22 months
International Relations DPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 3-4 years
International Relations DPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Part time 6-8 years
International Relations MPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 21 months
International Wildlife Conservation Practice PGDip Department for Continuing Education, Department of Zoology Full time 8 months
Ion Channels and Membrane Transport in Health and Disease (OXION) DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Islamic Art and Archaeology MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Islamic Art and Archaeology MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Islamic Studies and History MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Islamic Studies and History MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Japanese Studies MPhil Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Japanese Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 1 year
Jewish Studies MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Jewish Studies MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Judaism and Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World MPhil Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 21 months
Korean Studies MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Late Antique and Byzantine Studies MPhil Faculty of History, Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses Full time 21 months
Late Antique and Byzantine Studies MSt Faculty of History, Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses Full time 9 months
Latin American Studies MPhil Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Full time 21 months
Latin American Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Full time 9 months
Law DPhil Faculty of Law Full time 3-4 years
Law DPhil Faculty of Law Part time 6-8 years
Law MPhil Faculty of Law Full time 1 year
Law and Finance MSc Faculty of Law, Saïd Business School Full time 10 months
Learning and Teaching MSc Department of Education Part time 2-3 years
Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics DPhil Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics Full time 3-4 years
Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics DPhil Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics Part time 6-8 years
Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics MPhil Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics Full time 21 months
Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics MSt Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics Full time 9 months
Literature and Arts DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 4-8 years
Literature and Arts MSt Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
Magister Juris MJur Faculty of Law Full time 10 months
Major Programme Management MSc Saïd Business School Part time 2 years
Management DPhil Saïd Business School Full time 3-4 years
Master of Business Administration MBA Saïd Business School Full time 1 year
Master of Business Administration Oxford 1+1 MBA programme MBA Saïd Business School Full time 2 years
Materials DPhil Department of Materials Full time 3-4 years
Materials MSc (Res) Department of Materials Full time 2-3 years
Mathematical and Computational Finance MSc Mathematical Institute Full time 10 months
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics MSc Mathematical Institute, Department of Physics Full time 9 months
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing MSc Mathematical Institute Full time 1 year
Mathematical Modelling of Random Systems: Analysis, Models and Algorithms EPSRC CDT Mathematical Institute Full time 4 years
Mathematical Sciences MSc Mathematical Institute, Department of Statistics Full time 9 months
Mathematics DPhil Mathematical Institute Full time 3-4 years
Mathematics MSc (Res) Mathematical Institute Full time 2-3 years
Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science MSc Mathematical Institute Full time 1 year
Medical Anthropology MPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 21 months
Medical Anthropology MSc School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 1 year
Medical Sciences DPhil Radcliffe Department of Medicine Full time 3-4 years
Medicine BM BCh (Graduate entry) Medical School Full time 4 years
Medieval and Modern Languages DPhil Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Full time 3-4 years
Medieval and Modern Languages DPhil Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Part time 6-8 years
Medieval Studies MSt Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses Full time 9 months
Migration Studies DPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Department of International Development Full time 3-4 years
Migration Studies DPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Department of International Development Part time 6-8 years
Migration Studies MSc School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Department of International Development Full time 9 months
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy MSt Department for Continuing Education, Department of Psychiatry Part time 2 years
Modern Chinese Studies MPhil Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Modern Languages MPhil Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Full time 21 months
Modern Languages MSt Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Full time 9 months
Modern Middle Eastern Studies MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Modern Middle Eastern Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 1 year
Modern South Asian Studies MPhil Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Modern South Asian Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 1 year
Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning EPSRC CDT Department of Statistics Full time 4 years
Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning EPSRC CDT Department of Statistics Part time 8 years
Molecular and Cellular Medicine DPhil Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences Full time 3-4 years
Molecular and Cellular Medicine MSc (Res) Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences Full time 1-3 years
Molecular Cell Biology in Health and Disease DPhil Sir William Dunn School of Pathology Full time 3-4 years
Musculoskeletal Sciences DPhil Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences Full time 3-4 years
Musculoskeletal Sciences MSc Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences Part time 2 years
Musculoskeletal Sciences MSc (Res) Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences Full time 1-3 years
Music DPhil Faculty of Music Full time 3-4 years
Music DPhil Faculty of Music Part time 7-8 years
Music (Composition) MPhil Faculty of Music Full time 21 months
Music (Composition) MSt Faculty of Music Full time 9 months
Music (Musicology) MPhil Faculty of Music Full time 21 months
Music (Musicology) MSt Faculty of Music Full time 9 months
Music (Performance) MPhil Faculty of Music Full time 21 months
Music (Performance) MSt Faculty of Music Full time 9 months
Nanotechnology PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 9 months
Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care MSc Department for Continuing Education, Department of Engineering Science Part time 2-4 years
Nature, Society and Environmental Governance MPhil School of Geography and the Environment Full time 2 years
Nature, Society and Environmental Governance MSc School of Geography and the Environment Full time 1 year
Neuroscience combined MSc and DPhil Medical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre, Oxford Neuroscience Full time 4 years
Neuroscience MSc Oxford Neuroscience Full time 1 year
Oncology DPhil Department of Oncology Full time 3-4 years
Oncology MSc (Res) Department of Oncology Full time 1-3 years
Organic Chemistry DPhil Department of Chemistry Full time 3-4 years
Organic Chemistry MSc (Res) Department of Chemistry Full time 2-3 years
Organisational Leadership PGDip Saïd Business School Part time 1 year
Oriental Studies DPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 3-4 years
Oriental Studies MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Paediatric Infectious Diseases MSc Department for Continuing Education, Department of Paediatrics Part time 1 year
Paediatric Infectious Diseases PGDip Department for Continuing Education, Department of Paediatrics Part time 2 years
Paediatrics DPhil Department of Paediatrics Full time 3-4 years
Particle Physics DPhil Department of Physics Full time 3-4 years
Patient Safety PGCert Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Part time 1-2 years
PGCE PGCert Department of Education Full time 1 year
Pharmacology DPhil Department of Pharmacology Full time 3-4 years
Pharmacology MSc Department of Pharmacology Full time 1 year
Pharmacology MSc (Res) Department of Pharmacology Full time 1-3 years
Philosophical Theology MPhil Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 21 months
Philosophical Theology MSt Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 9 months
Philosophy DPhil Faculty of Philosophy Full time 3-4 years
Philosophy BPhil Faculty of Philosophy Full time 21 months
Philosophy of Physics MSt Faculty of Philosophy Full time 9 months
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry DPhil Department of Chemistry Full time 3-4 years
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry MSc (Res) Department of Chemistry Full time 2-3 years
Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics DPhil Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics Full time 3-4 years
Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics MSc (Res) Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics Full time 1-3 years
Plant Sciences DPhil Department of Plant Sciences Full time 3-4 years
Political Theory Research MSc Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 1 year
Politics DPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 3-4 years
Politics DPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Part time 6-8 years
Politics (Comparative Government) MPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 21 months
Politics (European Politics and Society) MPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 21 months
Politics (Political Theory) MPhil Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 21 months
Politics Research MSc Department of Politics and International Relations Full time 1 year
Population Health DPhil Nuffield Department of Population Health Full time 3-4 years
Population Health DPhil Nuffield Department of Population Health Part time 6-8 years
Practical Ethics MSt Department for Continuing Education, Faculty of Philosophy Part time 2-3 years
Precision Cancer Medicine MSc Department of Oncology Part time 2 years
Primary Health Care DPhil Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Full time 3-4 years
Primary Health Care DPhil Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 6-8 years
Psychiatry DPhil Department of Psychiatry Full time 3-4 years
Psychiatry DPhil Department of Psychiatry Part time 6-8 years
Psychiatry MSc (Res) Department of Psychiatry Full time 1-3 years
Psychiatry MSc (Res) Department of Psychiatry Part time 2-6 years
Psychodynamic Counselling PGCert Department for Continuing Education Part time 9 months
Psychodynamic Practice MSt Department for Continuing Education Part time 1 year
Psychodynamic Practice PGDip Department for Continuing Education Part time 21 months
Psychological Research MSc Department of Experimental Psychology Full time 1 year
Public Policy DPhil Blavatnik School of Government Full time 3 years
Public Policy DPhil Blavatnik School of Government Part time 6-8 years
Public Policy MPP Blavatnik School of Government Full time 1 year
Qualitative Health Research Methods PGCert Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 1-2 years
Radiation Biology MSc Department of Oncology Full time 1 year
Radiation Oncology combined MSc and DPhil Department of Oncology Full time 4 years
Refugee and Forced Migration Studies MSc Department of International Development Full time 9 months
Russian and East European Studies MPhil Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Full time 21 months
Russian and East European Studies MSc Oxford School of Global and Area Studies Full time 9 months
Slavonic Studies MPhil Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Full time 21 months
Slavonic Studies MSt Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Full time 9 months
Sleep Medicine MSc Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Part time 2 years
Sleep Medicine PGDip Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences Part time 2 years
Social Anthropology MPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 21 months
Social Anthropology MSc School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 1 year
Social Data Science combined MSc and DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Full time 10 months + 3-4 years
Social Data Science combined MSc and DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Part time Mixed 10 months + 6-8 years
Social Data Science DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Full time 3-4 years
Social Data Science DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Part time 6-8 years
Social Data Science MSc Oxford Internet Institute Full time 10 months
Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation DPhil Department of Social Policy and Intervention Full time 3-4 years
Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation DPhil Department of Social Policy and Intervention Part time 6-8 years
Social Policy DPhil Department of Social Policy and Intervention Full time 3-4 years
Social Policy DPhil Department of Social Policy and Intervention Part time 6-8 years
Social Science of the Internet MSc Oxford Internet Institute Full time 10 months
Social Science of the Internet MSc Oxford Internet Institute Part time 22 months
Social Science of the Internet + Information, Communication and the Social Sciences combined MSc and DPhil Oxford Internet Institute Full time 10 months + 3-4 years
Socio-Legal Research MPhil Faculty of Law, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Full time 1 year
Socio-Legal Studies DPhil Faculty of Law, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Full time 3-4 years
Socio-Legal Studies DPhil Faculty of Law, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Part time 6-8 years
Sociology DPhil Department of Sociology Full time 3-4 years
Sociology DPhil Department of Sociology Part time 6-8 years
Sociology MSc Department of Sociology Full time 1 year
Sociology MSc Department of Sociology Part time 2 years
Sociology and Demography MPhil Department of Sociology Full time 21 months
Software and Systems Security MSc Department of Computer Science Part time 2-4 years
Software Engineering MSc Department of Computer Science Part time 2-4 years
Statistical Science MSc Department of Statistics Full time 1 year
Statistical Science PGDip Department of Statistics Full time 9 months
Statistics DPhil Department of Statistics Full time 3-4 years
Statistics MSc (Res) Department of Statistics Full time 2-3 years
Strategy and Innovation PGDip Saïd Business School Part time 1 year
Study of Religions MSt Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 9 months
Surgical Science and Practice MSc Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Part time 2-4 years
Surgical Sciences DPhil Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Full time 3-4 years
Surgical Sciences MSc (Res) Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences Full time 1-3 years
Sustainable Approaches to Biomedical Science: Responsible and Reproducible Research EPSRC CDT MPLS Doctoral Training Centre Full time 4 years
Sustainable Urban Development DPhil Department for Continuing Education Part time 4-8 years
Sustainable Urban Development MSc Department for Continuing Education Part time 2 years
Synthesis for Biology and Medicine CDT Department of Chemistry Full time 4 years
Syriac Studies MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Taxation MSc Faculty of Law Part time 2 years
Teacher Education MSc Department of Education Part time 2 years
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education PGCert Centre for Teaching and Learning Part time 1 year
Teaching Evidence-Based Health Care PGCert Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 1-2 years
Theology BTh Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time Contact department
Theology BTh Faculty of Theology and Religion Part time Contact department
Theology MPhil Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 21 months
Theology MSt Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 9 months
Theology and Religion DPhil Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 3 years
Theology and Religion DPhil Faculty of Theology and Religion Part time 6 years
Theology and Religion PGDip Faculty of Theology and Religion Full time 9 months
Theology and Religion PGDip Faculty of Theology and Religion Part time 21 months
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry MSc Department of Chemistry Full time 10 months
Theoretical Physics DPhil Department of Physics Full time 3-4 years
Tibetan and Himalayan Studies MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Traditional China MSt Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 9 months
Traditional East Asia MPhil Faculty of Oriental Studies Full time 21 months
Translational Health Sciences MSc Department for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences Part time 2-4 years
Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology MPhil School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 21 months
Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology MSc School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography Full time 1 year
Water Science, Policy and Management MPhil School of Geography and the Environment Full time 2 years
Water Science, Policy and Management MSc School of Geography and the Environment Full time 1 year
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (DEng) EPSRC CDT Department of Engineering Science Full time 4 years
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (DPhil) EPSRC CDT Department of Engineering Science Full time 4 years
Women's and Reproductive Health DPhil Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health Full time 3-4 years
Women's and Reproductive Health MSc (Res) Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health Full time 1-3 years
Women's Studies MSt Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses, Women's Studies Full time 9 months
World Literatures in English MSt Faculty of English Language and Literature Full time 9 months
Yiddish Studies MSt Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages Full time 9 months
Zoology DPhil Department of Zoology Full time 3-4 years

5. 박사학위 약칭

옥스퍼드 대학교에서는 '박사학위'의 약칭을 D.Phil.(디필)이라고 표기한다. 이는 'Ph.D.'라는 표기와 똑같은 의미이다. 옥스퍼드 대학교 측의 설명에 따르면, 'PhD'라는 약칭은 라틴어 'philosophiae doctor'에서 따온 것이고, 'DPhil'이라는 약칭은 영어 'Doctor of Philosophy'에서 따온 것이다. 잉글랜드 지역 대학들이 박사학위를 도입할 때 처음에는 영어식 약칭인 DPhil을 사용하기 시작하다가 미국과 다른 유럽 국가 등 전 세계 다수의 추세에 맞추어 라틴어식 약칭인 PhD로 표기하는 것으로 바꾸었다. 그러나 옥스퍼드 대학교는 초기 표현 그대로 DPhil이라는 영어식 줄임말을 계속 사용하고 있는 것이다.
(출처 : https://medium.com/my-oxford/what-is-a-dphil-d4303e9e21f6)