mir.pe (일반/어두운 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2023-12-20 15:42:47



1. 개요2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈
2.1. 3.5
3. 기타4. 관련 문서

1. 개요

라비드는 양 애너지 차원에서 온 몬스터이며 모습은 뱀모양의 몸체와 단일 손을 갖고있다.

2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈

2.1. 3.5

크기/유형(Size/Type): 중형(Medium) 아웃사이더(엑스트라플래너(Extraplanar))
생명점 주사위(Hit Dice): 3d8+3 (16 hp)
우선권(Initiative): +4
속도(Speed): ? 피트(ft). (? 제곱(squares))
방어도(Armor Class): ?? (? 크기(size), ? 민첩성(Dex), ? 자연적(natural)), 무방비(Flat-Footed) ?
기본 공격/드잡이(Base Attack/Grapple): +3/+4
공격(Attack): 한글명칭(English)
전력 공격(Full Attack): 한글명칭(English)
공간 범위/도달 범위(Space/Reach): 한글명칭(English)
특수능력(Special Attacks): 한글명칭(English)
특성(Special Qualities): (한글명칭(English)
내성굴림(Saves): 인내/체질(Fort) +4, 반사(Ref) +3, 의지(Will) +4
능력치(Abilities): 근력(Str) 13, 민첩성(Dex) 10, 건강(Con) 13, 지능(Int) 7, 지혜/통찰(Wis) 12, 매력/존재력(Cha) 14
기술(Skills): 한글명칭(English)
재주(Feats): 한글명칭(English)
환경(Environment): 한글명칭(English)
조직(Organization): 단독 또는 무리(Solitary or flock) (?-?)
도전 지수(Challenge Rating): 5
보물: 없음(None)
성향: 항상(Always) 중립
발전(Advancement): 4 HD (중형(Medium)); 5-9 HD (대형(Large))
레벨 보정 페널티(Level Adjustment):
Ravids are creatures from the Positive Energy Plane. These bizarre entities imbue creatures with energy by their touch and animate lifeless objects around them. Ravids that make their way to the Material Plane wander about aimlessly, followed by the objects to which they have given life.

A ravid is about 7 feet long and weighs about 75 pounds.
Ravids fight only in self-defense. A ravid itself is not very powerful but is always accompanied by at least one animated object that defends it.

Positive Energy Lash (Su)
A ravid can make a touch attack or hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal ones) it deals 2d10 points of damage.

Animate Objects (Su)
Once per round, a random object within 20 feet of a ravid animates as though by the spell animate objects (caster level 20th). These objects defend the ravid to the best of their ability, but the ravid isn’t intelligent enough to employ elaborate tactics with them.

Flight (Su)
A ravid can cease or resume flight as a free action. A ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only a single action (either a move action or an attack action) each round.

A ravid has the Multiattack feat even through it does not have the requisite three natural weapons.
출처: OGL SRD 3.5

3. 기타

4. 관련 문서