Arcangelo | Art Collector | Bay Bridge | Dubai Honour | Emily Upjohn | I Wish I Win |저스틴 팰리스|리버티 아일랜드| Master of the Seas | National Treasure |샤흐리야르| Triple Time | Without A Fight
Adayar| Algiers | Alligator Blood | Charles Dickens |다논 벨루가| Disarm | Gold Phoenix |히시 이과수| Horizon Dore | Mage | New York Thunder |프로그노시스|솔 오리엔스|스타즈 온 어스| Voyage Bubble | West Will Power
69위 / 118
Arabian Knight | Blue Rose Cen | Casa Creed | Chaldean |Country Grammer| Courage Mon Ami | Cylinder |Desert Crown|Double Major| Doutor Sureno | Emblem Road | Fantastic Moon | Forte | Good Guess | Imperatriz |잭 도르|킹즈 소드| Mawj | Proxy |슈넬 마이스터|세리포스|소울 러시| Spirit Dancer | Straight Arron |타스티에라| Think It Over |스루 세븐 시즈| Trawlerman | Valiant Prince
99위 / 117
Al Muthana | Art Power |벨라지오 오페라| Bradsell | Buenos Noches |카페 파라오| Cascadian | Chez Pierre | Clairiere | Coltrane |크라운 프라이드|다논 더 키드|딥 본드| Echo Zulu | Eldar Eldarov |가이아 포스| Geaux Rocket Ride |지오글리프| Goodnight Olive | Gunite | Hamish | Highfield Princess | Hurricane Lane | Idiomatic | In Secret | Junko | 저스틴 카페 |Kyprios| Light Infantry | Live in the Dream | Mazu |메이쇼 하리오| Modern Games | Mqse de Sevigne | My Prospero | Overpass | Point Lonsdale | Quickthorn | Rothfire | Simca Mille | Smile Happy |송라인| Tahiyra | Tapit Trice |티오 케인스| Two Phil's | Via Sistina | Warm Heart |벨트라이젠데| Zaaki | Zagrey | Zandon